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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.org
ROTARY CLUB OFFridays, 7:15 am |
President | Ardy Bastien |
President-Elect | Carter Stout |
President-Elect | Mike Parks |
Immediate PP | Cathie Brumfield |
Treasurer | Josh Podczervinski |
Secretary | Jennifer Shumway |
We are excited to welcome Kirk Driskell as our speaker this Friday - this time focusing on his work with Vision Warriors. You have two ways to join - in person at Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter, 111 Perimeter Center West, Atlanta GA 30346, or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419
Most of us know Kirk as District 6900's current District Governor. Today we welcome him as the founder of Vision Warriors ministry. Beyond his family and his faith, Kirk's true passion in life is helping men struggling with addiction. Kirk founded Vision Warriors ministry, a faith community that focuses on accountability and transparency. Vision Warriors provides support for men who are ready to fight their drug and alcohol addictions.
Our Rotary Club has the opportunity to partner with a clinic to vaccinate our members who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine - providing we have enough members and even family members who are interested. It would most likely be the Moderna vaccine. We would potentially set apart two hours on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon to give vaccines to those interested. Nurses from the clinic would come to us at a place that we would designate (somewhere in Dunwoody - maybe a church or community center).
If we do have such an event it would require the vaccine recipients to reconvene in one month’s time to get their second dose. Please e mail Ardy at [email protected] to let us know if you are interested.
You can be part of a long Dunwoody Rotary tradition this Saturday at the Dunwoody Nature Center (the picture is from 2005-06).
Join our work crew with shovels and rakes from 9:00 am to 12 noon for the monthly volunteer day at the Dunwoody Nature Center. Wear your mask, bring your favorite garden tool and be ready for some work and fellowship. You need to sign up at https://dunwoodynature.org/volunteer-sign-up/