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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.org
ROTARY CLUB OFFridays, 7:15 am |
President | Jennifer Shumway |
President-Elect | Jack Sparks, Jr. |
President Nominee | Louise Barden |
Immediate PP | Carter Stout |
Treasurer | Cathie Brumfield |
Secretary | Matthew Johnson |
Public Image | Imani Reynolds |
Sergeant-at-Arms | Griff Ransom |
Community Service | Rick Woods |
Admin | Ed Holliday |
Last Sunday, the Dunwoody Family of Rotary gathered to get more than 1,700 books ready for delivery to Dresden and Kingsley Elementary students before the holiday break. We added Spanish-English translation cards and bookplates. The project was funded in part by The Rotary Foundation through a District Grant. Thanks to everyone who helped on Sunday plus Jack Sparks for coordinating the event, Carter Stout for lending us his office space, and Anne Glenn for getting bookplates and translation cards printed.
At last week's holiday luncheon, Lorri Christopher received the Wiliam M. Mulkey Greater Giving Award. Established in 2015 to honor PDG Bill Mulkey, this award recognizes a Dunwoody Rotarian whose Rotary career is characterized by giving time, talent and financial support for Rotary and particularly for The Rotary Foundation. The award recipient is selected by a committee of past recipients.
Lorri has been a Dunwoody Rotarian for almost 34 years and served as our club president in 2015-16, working closely with Bill Mulkey on a successful campaign to make the Rotary Club of Dunwoody a Million Dollar Club in The Rotary Foundation. Lorri Christopher and her late husband Larry are Level 2 Major Donors to The Rotary Foundation and Bequest Society members. Lorri served as the Rotarian team leader for a Group Study Exchange to Germany in the early 2000s – leading a group of four young professionals on that trip - and served as District Group Study Exchange Chair from 2006-2009. Lorri has served as an Assistant Governor and in many roles in the Georgia Rotary Student Program, where she currently serves as Secretary on the Executive Committee.
Previous recipients include Kathy and Fred Brandt, Jennie Stipick, Anne Glenn and Jackie Cuthbert. The first award was presented to Bill Mulkey by Past RI President John Germ at the holiday luncheon where Dunwoody was recognized as a Million Dollar Club.