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Rotary Onlinehttps://sandyspringsrotary.org
President | Nancy Schroeder |
Treasurer | John Neill |
Secretary | Mike Stacy |
Foundation | Rick Doyle, III |
Membership | Adam Bowling |
Public Image | Todd Lawrimore |
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, I welcome you to visit our club and experience the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' hospitality and energy. We meet on Monday for lunch at 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Hilton Perimeter Suites, 6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328. You can reserve a spot by going to our website at www.sandyspringsrotary.org. Join your fellow professionals, and community and business leaders, and learn how Rotary can fit in your future. Experience Rotary Making A Difference!
On Monday December 16, 2019 our very own District Governor Jim Squire was awarded his perfect attendance pin by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs. The pin was to pay tribute to 10 years of perfect attendance. A special presentation of the pin by Carl Pirkle took place during the meeting to commemorate the event and was followed by a round of applause. Congratulations Jim!
In photo from left to right: Nancy Schroeder - 2019-2020 Rotary Club of Sandy Springs President, Carl Pirkle presenting award, Jim Squire-District Governor for District 6900
One of the perfect attendance pins with a separate pendant hanging below to indicate the number of years.
Want to learn more? Want to earn one for yourself? Here is a link that may help you: https://ezinearticles.com/?Rotary-Perfect-Attendance&id=6396591
Question: In 1911 Paul Harris gave Chesley Perry a budget of $25.44 to complete a daunting task. What was the task?
To mimeograph and mail a new publication, The National Rotarian, to all 2,000 Rotarians in the 23 clubs nationwide.
If you're curious and want to learn more: https://books.google.com/books?id=rGAEAAAAMBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
Have any interesting trivia you'd like to share? Send it to [email protected]
Rotary Club of Sandy Springs Greeters & Invocation leader for next meeting. (01/06/2020)
Invocators, as per the "Make it fun and they will come." theme, have a joke ready!
Greeter A: |
Will be announced soon |
Greeter B: |
Will be announced soon |
Invocation Leader: |
Will be announced soon |