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The Bulletin

February 18, 2020

Home of
District Governor:
Jim Squire
Past District Governors
Frank Bentley,
Ralph Thurmond,
and Barry Smith


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

Our Rotary Family

2/2 Jim Squire
2/5 Scott Einfeldt
2/12 Will MacArthur


2/6 Benjy Dubovsky (47)
2/7 Fran Farias (33)

Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Hilton Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Nancy Schroeder
Treasurer John Neill
Secretary Mike Stacy
Foundation Rick Doyle, III
Membership Adam Bowling
Public Image Todd Lawrimore

President Nancy Schroeder's Welcome Message

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, I welcome you to visit our club and experience the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' hospitality and energy. We meet on Monday for lunch at 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Hilton Perimeter Suites, 6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328. You can reserve a spot by going to our website at www.sandyspringsrotary.org. Join your fellow professionals, and community and business leaders, and learn how Rotary can fit in your future. Experience Rotary Making A Difference!

Previous Program
Keith Parker of Goodwill North Georgia

Keith Parker, President and chief executive officer of Goodwill of North Georgia

Keith spoke to our club this past Monday, February 17 about the focus of this very successful nonprofit organization. When we think of Goodwill we think about the place where we donate old clothing that we do not wear anymore. Well what they do with the money collected from selling our old clothes is quite remarkable.

Goodwill helps people find jobs.They also have programs for children and work with high schools to help them improve their graduation rate. About creating jobs, they call it their ABC program, Get A job, get a Better job and find a Career. In Georgia last year 52,000 people contacted Goodwill for help with employment and 26,000 found employment. Goodwill is also very active in helping people with disabilities find employment.

Who shops at Goodwill stores? Not who you might think. The average Goodwill shopper is a 48-year-old female who is employed, college educated and lives in a household with 2 or more people and a cat!

"Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?" -Keith's favorite part of the four way test.

Goodwill currently has over 1000 retail locations in north Georgia and is still looking to grow. They will soon open new locations in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody. They employ over 3400 people which makes them the largest nonprofit employer in Georgia and their overhead is only 8%. So, Goodwill is larger than Target in the state of Georgia.

Goodwill has 13 career centers across the state where people can learn skills to help them find a better job and offers its service at no cost to the individuals. They also use these centers for training for youth. Goodwill helps people get off of Federal Assistance such as Welfare and food stamps.

The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs would like to thank Keith for being such vital part of our community through his work with Goodwill.

Keith Parker, President and chief executive officer of Goodwill of North Georgia, and Nancy Schroeder, 2019-2020 President of the Sandy Springs Rotary Club

These photos and more are available free of charge at: https://rotaryclubofsandysprings.zenfolio.com/p460...

New Member Induction
Rotary Club of Sandy Springs welcomes Zachary Boswell as it's newest member

The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs would like to welcome it's newest member, Zachary Boswell. Zac, along with his wife Annie and dog named Charlie, have lived in Sandy Springs for three years.

When not helping individuals prepare for retirement at Fortune 401K, (www.Fortune401K.com), you can probably find him outside running, hiking, or camping.

Zac graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Management Information Systems.

When asked what attracted him to Rotary, this was his response: "My granddad was in the jewelry business and was a Rotarian so he introduced me to the idea. As I have gotten settled in to my professional career I learned more about what Rotary does on a global scale and in their respective communities. I think Rotary is great way to get involved in, and give back to, the community you live in while creating relationships with other leaders who share similar ideals."

Left to right: Jim Squire - Rotary District 6900 Governor, Zachary Boswell & Ralph Thurmond - Past District Governor and past president

More photos are available free of charge here: https://rotaryclubofsandysprings.zenfolio.com/p429...

A Look Ahead
A quick glimpse of our Rotary meeting dates

Our February Family of Rotary night will be Tuesday and NOT our usual Monday.

If you have inquiries please send them to [email protected]

Family of Rotary Event
Family of Rotary night at Brooklyn Cafe (TUESDAY)

Please join us on TUESDAY February 25th
for Happy Hour (6:30 - 7:30)
Brooklyn Cafe

220 Sandy Springs Circle, Sandy Springs GA 30328
Come for the free appetizers and stay for the delicious contemporary neighborhood cuisine.

!!Bring the whole family!!

Is your name mentioned below?​
Greeters and Invocation Leader for March 2, 2020

Rotary Club of Sandy Springs Greeters & Invocation leader for next meeting. (03/02/2020)

Greeter A:
Todd Lawrimore
Greeter B:
Ruth Armknecht
Invocation Leader:
Tamara Carrera

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