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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

April 29, 2020


April is Maternal and Child Health Month

5/1 Francesca, Our Rotary Youth Exchange Student ... via Zoom
5/8 Kathryn Kolb, EcoAddendum, Restoring Georgia’s Rich Native Ecosystem ... Via Zoom
5/15 Judi Carlson, Malachi's Storehouse ... Via Zoom
5/21 Thirsty Thursday- 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Our Rotary Family

4/2 Darrin Vanderpan
4/5 Jim Riticher
4/9 Kathy Brandt
4/13 William Grogan
4/25 Sara Etelalahti
4/29 Lawrence Domenico


4/1 John Mills (31)
4/3 Pavittar Safir (12)
4/7 Cathie Brumfield (12)
4/11 Larry Hart (33)
4/23 Roy Ethridge (12)
4/28 Rick Otness (12)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
President-Elect Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

In This Bulletin ...

Read about ...

  • This Friday's Zoom meeting featuring our Rotary Youth Exchange student Francesca
  • Virtual Thirsty Thursday ... tomorrow night via Zoom
  • An adjustment to quarterly dues ... reflected in invoice you will receive via email May 1
  • Mike Parks' member spotlight from last week
  • An opportunity to get masks and support a local Rotarian

Also note that we have updated the calendar to the left to reflect our return to Friday Zoom meetings each week ... and a return to once a month Thirsty Thursday in May.

This Week's Speaker
Francesca, Our 2019-2020 Rotary Youth Exchange Student

Grab your coffee or tea and the breakfast of your choice and join us this Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. on Zoom to hear Francesca, our Rotary Youth Exchange student this year speak about her Rotary Youth Exchange experience. You can join the Zoom meeting at https://zoom.us/j/99732258910 or if you have the Zoom app on your phone or computer, you can go there and type in the meeting ID: 997 3225 8910. You can also join by one tap mobile at +13126266799,,99732258910# US (Chicago) or +16465588656,,99732258910# US (New York).

A few weeks ago, Francesca boarded a plane to head home to Italy - ending her Rotary Youth Exchange experience here a little early because of the coronavirus. She has completed her quarantine and is with her family at home. [more]

Social Opportunity
April 30 Virtual Thursday Thursday ... Our Opportunity to Check In Live!

Join us for this week's social gathering tomorrow night - Thursday, April 23 between 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm. After this event, we plan to return to Thirsty Thursdays on the third Thursday of each month.

All you need to join the Thursday fun is your computer, a camera (many are built right into the computer) and your microphone. Just go straight to https://zoom.us/j/700537258 to join the fun! Or, if you have the Zoom app on your phone or computer already, you can click Join Meeting Now and type in the meeting ID - 700 537 258. And, just a reminder - no beverage service or snacks, so bring your own and join us.

Editor's Note: Photo is courtesy of President Cathie, who wants us to enjoy her forest garden on the Chattahoochee together soon.

Quarterly Dues Invoice Out May 1 Reflects Adjustment for Missed Meeting Opportunities

Due to the pandemic, we have been forced to give up our in person meeting for a time until it is safe to meet again. This has reduced the required meal and venue cost component of the quarterly dues. The March saved money was donated to Malachi's Storehouse as a donation to feed children hurt by school closings.

However, in April and May we have been forced to cancel six in-person meetings at a savings we want to share with our members. Based on my detailed review of all the numbers, I recommended and the board approved a one time credit of $95 off quarterly dues of $285 for the billing due for the quarter ending 6/30/20. This credit will be applied to all non rule of 85 members to compensate them for the reduced meal costs in the second quarter. The net dues for the second quarter will be $190. Please note this invoice will be billed on 5/1/20 as it was delayed from the normal 4/1/20 date. This $95 credit does assume we will have in-person meetings, very likely with masks, staring on 5/29 through our planned year end celebration on 6/18 at the Dunwoody Nature Center.

I want to ensure we leave the club on a strong foundation for Ardy's year now on the horizon, and have spent a great deal of time reviewing all the numbers to ensure this credit is fair to all concerned.

Please let me know if I may answer any questions on this matter.


Member Spotlight
Mike Parks ... from Rotary Youth Exchange to Rotary

Mike Parks grew up in rural Oregon and was first introduced to Rotary in 1975, when he was selected to become a Rotary Youth Exchange student to Brazil at the age of 15. That experience changed his life forever and led him to become committed to service and Rotary values.

Immediately after his year as a Rotary Youth Exchange student, Mike entered the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. He was the first in his family to attend university, and he told us that was a bit of an “overachiever” – in fact, he completed a double degree, with a triple major and graduated with honors at the age of 21 after serving as student body president and valedictorian. At the time, UOP was the most expensive private school in the state, and Mike was 100% self-supported for all costs! He paid his way through university by working at a travel agency, which led to a long career in the travel industry. [more]

Need Masks? A Fellow Rotarian Can Help ...

As we all know, the CDC and the World Health Organization recommend wearing masks in public to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. Fellow Rotarian Tracey Carothers - formerly a Dunwoody Rotarian and now a member of the Atlanta Metro Club, can help if you need masks through her new business - Big Frog Custom T-Shirts and More.

With masks in high demand, please know that Big Frog takes all efforts to help you get access to these health essentials. We are currently offering reusable and eco-friendly face masks (no medical claims) available for purchase.

You can order a three-pack of masks online at https://bfdunwoody.itemorder.com/. If you just wants one mask, you can call the store 770-624-2600 to process your order over the phone. The store is open if you want to drop by – with appropriate distancing. For now, masks are available in grey and olive, and Tracey is expecting another shipment of white masks in mid-May.

Together, we can help slow the spread!

CALL | (770) 624-2600
EMAIL | [email protected]

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