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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.org
President | Ardy Bastien |
President-Elect | Carter Stout |
Immediate PP | Cathie Brumfield |
Treasurer | Josh Podczervinski |
Secretary | Jennifer Bowler |
Foundation | Bill Mulkey |
Membership | Darrin Vanderpan |
Dunwoody Rotarians,
Thanks to all of you for the work we are doing - and about to do - to make a difference for each other and our community. Several of us gathered last weekend to help with garden maintenance at the Mulkeys, and you'll see from this bulletin that there are many opportunities for each of us to be as active as we would like in service opportunities. Think about joining in where you can - even if it is buying Toys for Tots or oatmeal for the Kingsley families from your home. And let us know if you - or people you know in the community - are in need of help.
I am feeling good about the direction we're headed and hope to see you at many of these events. And of course on Friday ... whether you join in person or via Zoom. The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419.
I appreciate each and every one of you.
President Ardy
Join the Rotary Club of Dunwoody this Friday at the Dunwoody Country Club at 7:15 am or grab your coffee or tea and join us on Zoom at 7:15 am to hear from Christopher C. Hanks, founder and executive director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship. Just follow the Zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419.
Before founding the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Chris served as the founder and executive director of the entrepreneurship center at Kennesaw State University. His longest service in academia was as the founder and director of the entrepreneurship program at University of Georgia after falling into entrepreneurship education at Georgia State University.
Chris has helped develop entrepreneurship programs for 16 universities and led the International Entrepreneurship Institute. Before becoming passionate about creating entrepreneurs, he was passionate about creating businesses. He has owned multiple businesses, including music, e-commerce, publishing, and export ventures and is certified in business valuation, providing expert witness testimony.
From the club that brings you the Bounds Garden clean-up and fun at the Dunwoody Nature Center, we must report a sighting of Dunwoody Garden Gnomes, this time in the gardens of our own PDG and President Emeritus Bill Mulkey. The "gnomes" gathered last Saturday to shrink the hedges along the driveway, whisk away leaves, and significantly reduce the hedges along the walkway.
The crack Gnome squad included President Ardy, Ranger Fred Bounds, Hoshi and Baku Daruwalla, Gary Lane, Tina Philpot, Rick Otness and Jennie Stipick. This team - and any other who wish to join - will continue to protect and defend the Mulkey gardens, including visits scheduled for November 21 and December 19.
You may contact Ranger Fred ([email protected]) if you'd like to join the Gnome Watch.
Starting next Friday - November 6 - the challenge to collect boxes of oatmeal is on! We are looking to collect 160 boxes of oatmeal that will go into the Harvest Baskets for 80 Kingsley Elementary families who can use our help this Thanksgiving! Regular or instant oatmeal are both fine!
If you can help, bring a box or two of oatmeal to our November 6 or November 13 meeting at the Dunwoody Country Club or drop your contributions off at the East 48th Street Market by November 13.
Anita Augello and her daughter Claudia Augello Smith are leading the Harvest Basket effort as they have for several years. Beyond Thanksgiving dinner, their goal is to fill the basket with sustainable, nourishing products. In addition to oatmeal, our club will donate $2,500 to purchase turkeys for the Harvest Baskets.
Last Friday, Jackie Cuthbert shared her personal and Rotary stories with the club.
Communication was always part of Jackie's professional career - first at Pay Less Drug Stores corporate offices where she produced the employee newsletter and had some public relations responsibilities, and then as a consultant to large companies in her employee communication work at Johnson & Higgins in San Francisco and then Mercer consulting in Atlanta. Communication has always been part of her Rotary "career" too - be it club or district newsletters, club yearbooks or communication to support events and initiatives.
Jackie is a third generation native Californian and graduated from Cal State University, Hayward. She remembers her grandfather's fishing boats based in the Monterey Bay and traveling up the California coast with her grandparents to meet the boat and its pilot. She still spends a fair amount of time visiting her California family ... from mom Rhoda who is 92 all the way to six-year old great nephew Luke. And in her free time, she enjoys traveling (photo here with Susan Schwall in the Galapagos), stitching and paper crafts.
Jackie says she met Rotary on a "blind date" when California friends introduced her to Rotarian Scott Cuthbert in California. She didn't join Rotary until after she moved to Atlanta. She loves the international side of Rotary - reminiscing about service trips to Costa Rica, ten International conventions and her involvement with GRSP. "GRSP made me a mom five times and I'm now five times a GRSP grandma too." Jackie served as a GRSP trustee and is currently Assistant Secretary of the organization.
Why Rotary? For Jackie, it's the Rotary family and the good work we do here and internationally. "I liked the club members when I met them, and care a lot about the people now. And there are lots of good memories - of projects that made a difference and crazy, fun moments. I wouldn't trade a minute of my almost 22 years in Rotary."