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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

April 21, 2021


April is Maternal and Child Health Month

4/23 DeKalb Rotary Council Breakfast ... Dunwoody Country Club
4/30 Charlene Hall, Alzheimer's Update ... In Person or On Zoom
5/7 Laws of Life Essay Contest Winners ... in Person and Via Zoom
5/14 Michael Starling, Director of Economic Development, City of Dunwoody ... in Person and Via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

4/2 Darrin Vanderpan
4/5 Jim Riticher
4/9 Kathy Brandt
4/13 William Grogan
4/16 Jennie Springer
4/29 Lawrence Domenico


4/1 John Mills (32)
4/3 Pavittar Safir (13)
4/7 Cathie Brumfield (13)
4/11 Larry Hart (34)
4/23 Roy Ethridge (13)
4/28 Rick Otness (13)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

In This Bulletin ...

We will be joining the DeKalb Rotary Council for its annual breakfast this week - the meeting is at our regular time - in person at the Country Club or on Zoom. Read more below. And answer these questions as you read the whole bulletin ... 

  • Who is celebrating a 37th birthday?
  • Which former GRSP student finally has her green card?
  • How can you help Vision Warriors?
  • What job's best for you at this year's Dunwoody Arts Festival?
  • Where would you rather be on Thursday, May 6 than at North Fulton Rotary's virtual National Day of Prayer breakfast ... and how are we connected to the keynote speaker for the day?

And before you read farther, mark your calendar for two special dates: We will have a membership drive social on May 20 at LeMeridien and our end-of-the-year celebration on June 17 at the Dunwoody Country Club. More on both of these events later!

This Week's Meeting
DeKalb Rotary Council Breakfast In-Person at Dunwoody Country Club - or Via Zoom

The DeKalb Rotary Council will host its Annual Awards and Recognition Breakfast on Friday, April 23rd starting at 7:15am at the Dunwoody Country Club. Our own Immediate Past President Cathie Brumfield will be presiding, as the current Chair of the DeKalb Rotary Council.  You can also join via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82416395861

We are excited to have Leslie Hazel Bussy, Ph.D, CEO/Executive Director of the Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement speaking to us on the topic, "Want to Serve the Community? Work on your Trustworthiness." This is our annual Joint Meeting of all clubs in the DeKalb Rotary Council where we recognize each of our Club Teachers of the Year and Show Rotary Cares Award winners, and present the Council’s You are the Key Winner.

We hope to see  you - in person or online! 

From Our Club President
Happy 37th Birthday Dunwoody Rotary!

This Sunday, April 25, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody will celebrate 37 years of fellowship, fun and making a difference in our community and around the globe. Wow! When I think of all that we have accomplished, we should be celebrating a lot!

Two years ago, our own PDG Bill Mulkey wrote a message recognizing our 35th anniversary. This week, we have updated our story to reflect what we’ve accomplished up to now. Before we share that, I would like to recognize three of our Club’s Charter members who are still with us today – PDG Bill of course, Past President Gary Lane, and our Club Administrator Teak Pacetti. Thanks for being part of the dedication and service that made the history we share here a possibility.

To paraphrase Bill’s message two years ago, “We have completed 37 years of a tradition of excellence in living Rotary's motto of Service Above Self. As our journey continues, let's all be dedicated to continuing that tradition for many years to come.”

Service Opportunity
Dunwoody Arts Festival Returns May 7-9 ... We Need Your Help

We are excited to have the Dunwoody Arts Festival back for Mother's Day weekend 2021! Dunwoody Rotary has been a partner in this event since it first came to Dunwoody - it offers us a great opportunity for visibility in the community. Several of you have volunteered for Friday and Sunday shifts working with the artists as they set up and break down their booths; we still need for a few more volunteers to fill our commitment there. We are also hosting a booth promoting our organization and work in the community - and need volunteers for Saturday and Sunday. See the details and sign up ...

Precious Goto Gets Her Green Card

Past President Scott Jennings has shared some great news. "It is with a great abundance of joy that I am sharing with you that Precious Goto, our GRSP Student from 2012-2013, received her Resident Alien “Green” Card on Tuesday this week!  It has been a long journey for Precious ...

Making a Difference
How You Can Help Vision Warriors

When District Governor Kirk Driskell brought the message of Vision Warriors to our club two weeks ago - about their strategy for helping those with addictions to alcohol and/or drugs, many of us wanted to know how we could help. Here are some ideas:

  • $600 per month sponsors a person in the Vision Warriors program.  We have two members - President Ardy and Kristi LoVerde - who jumped at this opportunity at the meeting; any of us could contribute toward this in amounts we can manage. 
  • Vision Warriors is currently updating its list of monthly supply needs on Amazon - you can order there and have items shipped direct to their location. We'll post an update soon with the link to their wish list,
  • You can donate vehicles, which are worked on in the Vision Warriors auto shop and sold to benefit the organization.
  • You can buy the Adirondack chairs created by the Vision Warriors woodshop pictured here - at a cost of $250 a pair ($25 for a table to go between them).

For more information on Vision Warriors - what they do, how you can help - visit the Vision Warriors website or contact them at [email protected].

Save the Date
Join North Fulton Rotary in Virtual Celebration, National Day of Prayer - May 6 at 7:45 am

Please save May 6, 2021 and join the Rotary Club of North Fulton online for its 19th annual celebration of the National Day of Prayer. The service will take place from 7:45 am to 9:00 am. You may join on the club’s Facebook page or the club's website for a time of celebration and reflection. I have attended several of these inspirational services in person and plan to join the online celebration this year. The featured keynote speaker will be Janine Maxwell, Co-Founder and COO of Heart for Africa - an organization we have supported in partnership with North Fulton. 
