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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

May 19, 2021


May is Youth Service Month

5/28 Michael Wilensky, State Representative ... In Person or Via Zoom
6/4 Billy Grogan, Dunwoody Police Chief ... in Person or Via Zoom
6/11 Club Assembly ... in Person or Via Zoom
7/2 No meeting - plan to participate in July 5 events

Our Rotary Family

5/4 Lorri Christopher
5/20 Tina Philpot


5/4 Jennie Stipick (13)
5/11 Hoshi Daruwalla (13)
5/27 Jack Francisco (13)
5/28 Bob O'Brien (44)
5/28 Matthew Johnson (10)
5/29 Mike Shortal (125)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

In This Bulletin ...

We're counting on you to join us at the Member Social this Thursday night - and bring a friend!  There's another service opportunity early Thursday morning - read about it, our June year-end celebration, the great service projects we completed last week, our new international grant in Puerto Rico, and some of our Rotary Foundation contributors. It's all here in the newsletter.

No meeting Friday ... hope we'll see you Thursday night!

RCD is Ready to Grow ...
Who are You Bringing To This Thursday's Social?

We hope to see you - and a family member, friend or colleague - at our membership social tomorrow night - Thursday, May 20 at 5:30 PM at Le Meridien Perimeter Atlanta, 11 Perimeter Center West, Atlanta GA 30346! This replaces our Friday meeting this week - and we hope it will be just as successful as our Leap Into Rotary event "long ago" in February 2020.

We’ll buy everyone who attends a drink and share some appetizers, while we give potential members an idea of what it means to connect through Rotary. And we'll enjoy soem great music by Jud Shumway, who has generously shared his music at our Thirsty Thursday and Holiday Luncheon events.

We are counting on you for two simple things:  

  1. Invite someone you think would make a good Dunwoody Rotarian to this member social. If everyone could bring just ONE person we could be well set for membership growth in 2021-22
  2. Be there to welcome our guests and share Dunwoody Rotary's story.

Talk to Membership Chair Darrin Vanderpan, President Ardy or President-Elect Carter if you have questions. 

Opportunity to Serve
Looking for a Thursday Morning Project: 1500 Pounds of Food Expected at 7:00 AM

Tomorrow morning (Thursday, May 20) at 7:00 AM, we have an amazing opportunity to deliver 150 food boxes to Malachi's Storehouse, coming from a Rotary partnership with partner with the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box program. If you can join us, plan to be at Solidarity Sandy Springs, loading dock, 5630 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, 30342 - delivery time is a bit flexible, so know that when you come.

We'll load up and take the food to Malachi's Storehouse - located at St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, 4755 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338,  where we'll help the Malachi staff unload the boxes. 

If you can help, please let Kobelah know tonight. Thanks!

Join Our Year End Celebration on June 17

Our Year-End Celebration - featuring fellowship, awards, food and libations - will take place at the Dunwoody Country Club on Thursday, June 17 at 6:00 PM. Come to celebrate all that we've accomplished this year under President Ardy Bastien's leadership and to welcome President-Elect Carter Stout and his team for what promises to be a fun-filled new year of doing good in the community.

The event will include a buffet and beverages - watch for more details as the date gets closer.

Please let Past President Rick Woods know if you are coming and whether you are bringing a guest -  you can write to him at [email protected]

Our Rotary Foundation at Work
We're Approved!

We just received this message from The Rotary Foundation, "Congratulations! Your global grant application for funding to provide over a two-year period of training, education, community mobilization, and staff to spray insecticide, monitor, and surveillance mosquito populations that spread diseases such as dengue and Zika on Culebra Island, Puerto Rico, submitted by the Rotary Club of San Juan and District 6420, has been approved by The Rotary Foundation. The award is in the amount of US$ 199,500."

Thanks to Dunwoody Rotarians for the $7,500 that you will be contributing to make this project happen. As always, I couldn’t imagine doing Rotary without my Dunwoody Rotary family.

Laura Kann

Past President and Honorary Member, Rotary Club of Dunwoody

District Governor 2022-23, District 6420

Thanks for Your Service
From Books to Lunch Boxes to Sprucetanza ... We Get the Job Done!

In parallel universes last Friday, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody pulled off a two service project day - prepping books and packing lunches! And if that wasn't enough, we were back at it Saturday morning, with the Bounds Garden Sprucetanza! That following an amazing weekend at the Dunwoody Arts Festival, where the front page article in this week's Crier cited  the festival organizer as saying, “As usual, the Dunwoody Rotary Club volunteers were amazing with helping vendors load and unload.”

Those of you at our regular Friday morning meeting last week prepared 1,000+ books that will be given this week to each and every student at Dresden and Kingsley Elementary Schools. This year, our bookplates encouraged students to "Enjoy Summer" ... in most years they have a holiday message because the books are distributed in December.  Veteran book "guru" Roy Ethridge led our efforts at the meeting; District Governor Elect Mary Ligon joined in the fun; Jack Sparks coordinated the overall project but couldn't be with us on Friday.

And while the books were prepared, a separate Dunwoody Rotary crew was makin, sandwiches and packing 85 lunchboxes for the USO - led by Charlie Augello. The lunch crew included Carl Giametta, Jennie Stipick, Nick Augello, Bob O'Brien and Dottie Toney.

And Ranger Fred led a team at the Bounds Garden traffic garden Saturday morning as they spruced the place up! Thanks to Tina Philpott, Jim Riticher, Rick Otness and of course, Ranger Fred!

The Rotary Foundation
Thanks for Your Generosity

We want to thank these individuals for recent contributions to The Rotary Foundation.

  • Mike Shortal – Paul Harris Fellow +3
  • Linda Shortal – Paul Harris Fellow +1
  • Russell Reams, Jr. – Paul Harris Fellow +8
  • Dabney Daniel – Paul Harris Fellow +2
  • Bill Thiele – Paul Harris Fellow+1
  • Larry Domenico – Paul Harris Fellow +1

This designation means they have contributed the $1,000 to become a Paul Harris Fellow plus $1,000 for each of the "+" shown.

More recognition will take place at the year-end celebration on June 17. If you would like to make a contribution to The Rotary Foundation, contact Jennie Stipick for more information.
