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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

May 26, 2021


May is Youth Service Month

5/28 Michael Wilensky, State Representative ... In Person or Via Zoom
6/4 Billy Grogan, Dunwoody Police Chief ... in Person or Via Zoom
6/11 Club Assembly ... in Person or Via Zoom
7/2 No meeting - plan to participate in July 5 events

Our Rotary Family

5/4 Lorri Christopher
5/20 Tina Philpot


5/4 Jennie Stipick (13)
5/11 Hoshi Daruwalla (13)
5/27 Jack Francisco (13)
5/28 Bob O'Brien (44)
5/28 Matthew Johnson (10)
5/29 Mike Shortal (125)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

This Week's Speaker
State Representative Michael Wilensky

This week, we welcome Michael Wilensky, State Representative from District 79. You may join us in person at Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter or on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419

Mike Wilensky was born and raised in the Sandy Springs/Dunwoody area. A product of our public school system, he graduated from North Springs High School, where he played basketball and ran cross-country. He is the husband to a beautiful wife of almost ten years and they have two wonderful daughters. Mike not only lives in Dunwoody, but he is also a Dunwoody small business owner of a law practice located near Perimeter Mall.

Thanks for Your Service
Amazing Day Delivering Food to Malachi's Storehouse

Job very well done lady and gentlemen! Fantastic team effort. We had tight schedules but everyone's presence counted.

Bob did a great job reconnoitering the location; everyone found it. Jennie did a great job bringing loveliness to a group of grizzled men. Griff brought the much needed trailer. Ken, Jim, and Jeff drove much needed trucks and SUVs. Rick Otness did a great job coordinating and thinking ahead. Rick Woods did a great job rocking facial hair. Freddy and Father Game did a wonderful job especially coordinating the final delivery.

President Ardy did a great job keeping spirits up and happy. Wonderful morning. And we got 4,800 pounds of Grade-A foodstuffs to Malachi's for distribution "from farms to families." Epic day. Of all the area clubs participating, Dunwoody's presence and team-spirit shinned the brightest. It was humbling to be a part of the team.

Thanks to all,


Community Services Director

Editor's Note: For the overall project, there were 20 Rotarians and six volunteers from the local organizations getting food. Together they loaded 1,100 20 lb.+ boxes from a semi into about ten vehicles (large & small trucks, SUVs and trailers) that went to food pantries and families in Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Roswell, Acworth, and Cumming. That's 70 Rotarian volunteer hours in the morning and more later in the day. Awesome work - thanks Kobelah for your persistence in organizing this event!

Join Our Year End Celebration on June 17

Our Year-End Celebration - featuring fellowship, awards, food and libations - will take place at the Dunwoody Country Club on Thursday, June 17 at 6:00 PM. Come to celebrate all that we've accomplished this year under President Ardy Bastien's leadership and to welcome President-Elect Carter Stout and his team for what promises to be a fun-filled new year of doing good in the community.

The event will include a buffet and beverages - watch for more details as the date gets closer.

Please let Past President Rick Woods know if you are coming and whether you are bringing a guest -  you can write to him at [email protected]

Mark Your Calendars for July
Back by Popular Demand This July... Dunwoody Independence Day and Dunwoody Diners

It's great to be back doing things that we love! Please mark your calendar for two club favorites:

  • On Monday, July 5, we will participate in the Dunwoody July 4 Celebration (never held on a Sunday). We are looking for help with float assembly, people interested in walking in the parade (Rotarians and family members welcome) and crew members for the hot dog stand ... all part of a Dunwoody Rotary tradition for welcoming in the new Rotary year that starts July 1.
  •  On Saturday, July 10, Dunwoody Diners will be back in action with organizers Ken and Sherry Levy back at the helm. Our first gathering will be held at Aldo's Italian Restaurant. This Dunwoody tradition stretches back several years - letting Rotarians and partners enjoy fellowship together while raising some money for the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund (we ask for a $5 donation from each person attending). 

Watch for more information on both these events in the coming weeks!

Thank You!
Celebrating Ranger Fred

Wow - driving by Bounds Garden on the way to Brook Run last Saturday - the hottest day of the year in the afternoon sun, I noticed someone working in Bounds Garden. On my return trip, the worker - none other than Ranger Fred Bounds - was still there. With the temperature nearing 90 degrees, I went directly home to pick up some cold beverages for Fred. He was still there - busily focused on planting wildflower seedlings.

Fred gave me a garden update and tour of recent plantings. Dunwoody Rotarians should be proud of the amazing garden that we have created in this space that we have maintained for more than 20 years. 

Kudos to "Ranger" Fred for leading the way as our very own Master Gardener.
