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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

July 14, 2021


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/16 No meeting - join us for Thirsty Thursday
7/23 Michael Starling, Director of Economic Development, City of Dunwoody ... in Person and Via Zoom
7/30 Buzz Law, President, Creative Financial Group Ltd.
8/6 Warren Parsons, Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts, in Person and Zoom

Our Rotary Family

7/18 Roy Wise
7/25 Frederick Bounds


7/3 Frederick Bounds (13)
7/5 Russell Reams, DBA, Jr. (7)
7/7 Brian Harper (13)
7/10 Lawrence Domenico (28)
7/10 Ken Levy (44)
7/11 William Thiele (25)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Le Méridien Atlanta Perimeter
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Carter Stout
Treasurer Cathie Brumfield
Secretary Louise Barden
Membership Brian Harper
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

What's Inside ...

No meeting this week; join us for Thirsty Thursday at Dunwoody Tavern, 5:30 pm. Then read about

  • our special plans to honor Bill Mulkey and how you can help event
  • our upcoming August wine fellowship event at the Gutschenritters
  • last week's Dunwoody Diners and Bounds Garden gatherings
  • our new process for submitting expenses to the club for reimbursement
  • a NEW featured item ... a calendar you can use to mark your own calendar for upcoming events 

Applause, Applause!
Club and District Awards Celebrate Ardy's Year

Recognizing Our Club Members at Year-End

At our end of the year event, President Ardy recognized Griff Ransom as Rotarian of the Year - an award well deserved just on the basis of his work as our Sargeant-at-Arms ... rising to the challenges of new meeting places and Zoom meetings while still helping us make a difference in the community. Ardy recognized Peyton Adkins Graham as our Rookie of the Year, for her dedication to projects and work on Facebook! Ardy also recognized several club members with David Baker awards, in honor of our founding Rotarian:

  • Cathie Brumfield - for unselfish dedication, generosity and support to our club - supporting the treasurer's role and opening her home to us
  • Jennie Stipick - for going above expectations, and taking on Bill Mulkey's role managing our Rotary Foundation giving. Jennie was a person behind the scenes giving a lot of wisdom and generosity
  • Jackie Cuthbert - for untiring efforts and limitless dedication to the club - the newsletter, listening, advising and being on point all the time
  • Rick Otness - Presidential Adviser - for always being there and volunteering, and for "exactitude"
  • Rick Woods - for keeping his promise to help the club, particularly taking on reporting requirements to the district to make sure we did what we needed to be recognized for all we do
  • Jennifer Bowler - for her continuous dedication, availability and passion - serving double duty as secretary and president nominee and making things happen
  • Edward Holiday - for always being available and making things happen behind the scenes.

Recognition from the District

When President Ardy returned from a well-deserved rest in Hawaii, he was greeted by recognition from District 6900 for his great leadership, in the form of a Governor's Citation! Job well done! And, the club received recognition for our generosity:

  • As a Runner-Up among Category III clubs for Foundation Giving - one per capita and one total giving
  • For Best CART giving in Category III - based on our contributions to Alzheimer's Research after Charlene Hall's presentation
  • As a Jake Cheatham Award winner in Category III for Best GRSP Giving

The district will announce other awards during the August District Celebration in SanDestin.

Honoring Bill Mulkey

As we all know, in early June, we lost one of our most significant members - William (Bill) Mulkey. His long term support of Rotary included leadership of the club and district, support of the zone, a passion for the Rotary Foundation, resource guides for all things Rotary, and so much more.

The club plans to honor Bill in two ways:

  • Creating a “Tribute” book of our memories of Bill, with messages for his family on what he meant to us
  • Taking Bill to the next level of Major Giving for the Foundation – his passion.

If you would like to contribute to either (or both) causes, please let us know.

  • Some of you have already sent us your tributes; there is still time for more. We will be putting together the book in late July/early August and would truly appreciate your input. Dottie Toney, Jackie Cuthbert and Jennie Stipick will be assembling the various messages into books for Bill’s wife Beverly and their two daughters; just send a tribute e-mail to [email protected].
  • If you would like to contribute to the cash gift for Bill, make a tax deductible donation to the “Dunwoody Charitable Fund” (a 501c3). We will put all gifts together with a donation from our club and send it to The Rotary Foundation in his name. This will not count towards your individual Foundation giving, but instead be a tribute to the cause that Bill loved – The Rotary Foundation. To make that gift, please reach out to [email protected] for mailing instructions.

Thank you for your support of Bill – I know his family appreciates any prayers, tributes, or gifts you make.

Fellowship Opportunity
Dunwoody Diners is Back!

The Dunwoody Diners are back. On Saturday, July 10, 11 members of the Dunwoody Family of Rotary gathered at Aldo's for drinks and fine food. The food was of course good, the wine was even better, but best of all were the conversations. Thanks to Ken and Sherry Levy for arranging the evening - they were also celebrating their wedding anniversary! 

For the newer members of the Rotary Club, Dunwoody Diners tries to meet every 6-8 weeks. Any Rotarian (and guest if he/she desires) gather to break bread and catch up on what is going on in various lives. It is a great way to better get to know club members. Each person pays their own tab, but also contributes $5 toward an eventual gift to the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund. In past years we have generally raised between $200 and $400.

The next gathering will be in late September. Watch for updates in the Bulletin.

Thanks for Your Service
Bounds Garden Gets a Pick-Me-Up

Five of Fred's rangers gathered last Saturday morning (before the day heated up) to give a quick face lift to Bounds Garden (the traffic Island located next to Dunwoody Library).The Rotary Club of Dunwoody adopted the intersection approximately 15 years ago and has continued giving it tender loving care.

In a first Hoshi Daruwalla arrived early (8:30), while the rest arrived at a more leisurely paced 9 AM. We weeded, cleaned up trash, and put out new pine straw. When they left, Bounds Garden was again the jewel it has been for the past 15 years. Picture was taken by Baku Daruwalla who was both a Ranger and our photographer, and probably responsible for Hoshi's early arrival).

Fellowship Opportunity
Join the Wine Fellowship at the Gutschenritters on August 10

Chris and Jane Gutschenritter will host the next meeting of the Dunwoody Wine Fellowship. Bring your partner and join us from 5:45 to 7:15 pm on August 10. Please bring a summer wine or an appetizer (finger food) to share.

If you're planning to attend, be sure to use this link to register on our website (you can also go through the club calendar on the website. Space is limited.

From Our Treasurer Cathie Brumfield
Do You Have Rotary Expenses That Need to Be Paid?

To improve quality control, avoid errors, and speed timely payment to you we have made changes to the clubs payment process. This process has just been finalized after testing the last six months, and now we want to be sure you know how it works.

To obtain a check or reimbursement from the club, go to https://www.dunwoodyrotary.org/resource/397, download and complete the Expense and Reimbursement Request Form, then send it via email with any supporting documents to [email protected]

This ensures that we get the correct amount to the correct address, and allows us to have supporting documentation all in one place for future review. 

Let me know if you have any questions. 

Editor's Note: You can also find this forms and other forms and documents you maybe looking for at under Club Documents.

Club Calendar
What's Happening in July and August

Here's a way to keep up with all that's happening with the Rotary Club of Dunwoody. If you would like to add an event - or add a story to the bulletin, send an email to Jackie Cuthbert at [email protected] by Tuesday evening

July 15

Thirsty Thursday, Dunwoody Tavern, 5:30 pm

July 16

No meeting

July 20

Board Meeting, 7:30 am on Zoom

Rotary Means Business, 5:30-7:30 pm at Parkwoods, Ravinia Crowne Plaza at I-285 and Ashford Dunwoody

July 23

Meeting: Michael Starling, speaker

July 30

July 31

Meeting: Buzz Law, speaker

DeKalb Rotary Council collects equipment for FODAC

Aug 6

Meeting: Warren Parsons, speaker

Aug 10

Aug 12-15

Wine Fellowship: Chris and Jane Gutschenritter's, 5:45 -7:15 pm

District 6900 Celebration in SanDestin (no meeting August 13)

Aug 19

Thirsty Thursday, Dunwoody Tavern, 5:30 pm

Aug 19-21

GRSP Conclave and 75th Anniversary Celebration, Thomasville

Aug 20

No meeting

Aug 27

Meeting: Club Assembly
