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The Bulletin


Club Calendar

February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/13 Surprise Valentine's Day Program
2/27 Nagesh Singh, Consul General of India
3/6 Jeffrey Stepakoff - Executive Director, Filmaker

Our Rotary Family

2/2 Jim Squire
2/12 Will MacArthur
2/13 Paul Kenney
2/19 Charles Gardner


2/4 Bob Levinson
2/7 Fran Farias

Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Hilton Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Buckhead January 13, 1972
Active Membership: 50 FacebookTwitter

ROTARY CLUB OF Sandy Springs

President Lisa Stueve
President-Elect Will MacArthur
Immediate Past President Jerry Hicks
Fellowship Director Fred Ferrand
Program Director Billy Lovett
Vice President Jim Squire
Secretary Mike Stacy
Treasurer John Neill

President Lisa Stueve's Welcome Message

Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs meets most Mondays at the Hilton Atlanta Perimeter Suites at 12:15 PM. The lunch program includes club business and also hosts guest speakers - business professionals, elected officials, non-profit leaders and others from the Sandy Springs area.

We’re always looking for ways to make an impact in the community; our club members are actively engaged with senior and youth programs that support leadership development and student scholarship. While our motto and most important feature of Rotary International is “Service Above Self,” we also work together in fellowship as we enjoy great camaraderie. Like us on Facebook Sandy Springs' Facebook Page to keep up to date on our club's activities!

I hope you will enjoy our weekly newsletter and I invite you to join us for lunch soon!

Lisa Stueve, President, Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, 2016-17

February 6, 2017 - Michael Roberts, Col. (R), W2C Co-Founder and Executive Director

On Monday, February 6, 2017, Michael Roberts, W2C Co-Founder Michael Roberts spoke to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs about the need to help soldiers coming back from active duty and what W2C can help provide.

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February 13, 2017 Valentine Sweetheart Program

Program Director will have a secret Valentine's Day Program, so bring your sweetheart to lunch!

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Congratulations, Jim Squire, For Receiving Recommendation for District Governor 2019-20!

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Past District Governors, the current District Governor, and future District Governors of Rotary International's District 6900 met together at the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs on 2-6-2017 to make an important announcement that the District 6900 selection committee has recommended Jim Squire, a member of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, to be the District Governor for 2019-20. Congratulations, Jim. Present were PDGs Claudia Mertl, Margie Kersey, Ralph Thurmond, Bob Hagan (Skyping from India), Blake McBurney, DG Raymond Ray, and DG-Elect Alec Smythe, DG-Nominee Court Dowis, Jr. For more photos, go to http://www.zenfolio.com/rotaryclubofsandysprings/p1029290527

Casino Royale! Gala Upcoming in March
Plan to attend the Casino Royale! March 11th

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Come by the Community Assistance Center on Saturday February 11, 2017 between 9-12 with your gently used clothing and household goods for the Rotary Has Heart Clothing Drive, coordinated by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs. The location is 8607 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs GA 30350 (the location of the Old Taylor Construction business).

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February 6, 2017 India Trip Members Skype Into Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' Meeting

PDG Bob Hagan, along with Fran and Phil Farias, skyped into the meeting of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs during the Monday, February 6, 2017 meeting. Bob, Fran and Phil are District 6900 team members on their adventure to India.

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2016 Sandy Springs Rotary Foundation Dan Keels Scholarship and Technical School Scholarship Winners

The Sandy Springs Rotary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation that provides scholarships to deserving students. Congratulations to the 2016 winners of the Dan Keels Scholarship and the technical school scholarship listed below.

Dan Keels Scholarship Winners for 2016

Georgia Tech - Anjana Anandkumar for $2,000.00

Alabama A&M - Jordan Mason for $2,000.00

FAMU (Tallahassee) - Auriel Durr for $2,000.00

2016 Technical School Scholarship

Gwinnett Technical - Cassandra Lloyd Douglas for $500

Applications are now being accepted for the 2017 year. For more information and a link to the application, go to https://sandyspringsrotary.org/v2/page/293

February 6, 2017 Rotarian From Cape Verde Island Ines Silva Visits Rotary Club of Sandy Springs

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Everyone is welcome to come to the Cape Verde Islands! We enjoyed meeting Ines Silva over the last two meetings. She is a member of the The Rotary Club of Cape Verde in District 9101. Here is her farewell message to us all.

Thank you so much for the warm and friendly reception from you and your Rotarians

team, I dearly appreciate the kindness.Hope to see you and the team to make a visit

to the Cape Verde Islands.If you would like to visit, email Ines at [email protected] more then happy to put folks up.If at all possible

Take care and looking forward to see you in our lovely country,God Bless.

Ines Silva

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February 25 is Literacy Day. Join Other Rotarians at the Literacy Summit in Columbus

Gene Jordan announced that February 25, 2017 is Literacy Day and that there will be a super Literacy Program open to Rotarians in Columbus GA at the WC Bradley Company Building,1017 Front Ave, Columbus, GA 31901, from 9-2. See Gene if you would like to attend.

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FEBRUARY 20th Club Dinner at Ippolito's in Sandy Springs

Come to Dinner with Sandy Springs Rotarians and friends at Ippolito's in Sandy Springs. Join us for our Monday Meeting at Ippolito's which will take the place of our regular Monday luncheon meeting. Starts at 5:30! Fred Ferrand will send out a reminder! Support Ippolito's which is a great community partner, especially during the Firehouse Dinners each year! Abernathy Square, 6623 Roswell Rd, Atlanta, GA 30328

Photo of Ippolito's Italian Restaurant - Sandy Springs, GA, United States. Menu - casual dining.

Mt. Vernon Presbyterian School's Interact Club Officers Inducted at Rotary Club of Sandy Springs 1-30-2017 Meeting

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The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs was delighted to have the incoming officers of the Interact Club of Mt. Vernon Presbyterian High School visit on Monday, January 30, 2017. Chuck Gardner administered the oaths of office for club members.

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Next Week's Greeters and Invocation

February 13, 2017

GREETER A: Tamara Carrera

GREETER B: Bill Snellings

INVOCATION: Linda Randolph

If you are unable to serve as a greeter or give the invocation, please be responsible for finding a replacement.


Make Your Reservations Now!

A cruise is a little different from a regular conference. It is impossible to wait until the last minute to register or reserve a cabin. We are asking that you make your plans to join us and register for the conference and book your cabin.

Passports are not required but are highly recommended. If you do not have a passport, you will need a CERTIFIED COPY of your birth certificate and another government issued ID, such as a drivers license. Get all the details at https://rotary6900.org/event/709


Rotary International celebrates February as Peace and Conflict Resolution Month.

Watch a video of the 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta at 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta

Like the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' Facebook page at Rotary Club of Sandy Springs Facebook Page

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Follow us on Twitter at @RCSS2016

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