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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

October 20, 2021


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/22 No meeting - join us for Thirsty Thursday
10/29 The Rotary Foundation - Jennie Stipick
11/5 Freddy Morello, Clubhouse Atlanta
11/12 Major Andrew Radloff, US Air Force

Our Rotary Family

10/7 Mike Parks
10/13 Mike Shortal
10/22 Teak Pacetti, Jr.
10/24 Bill Woulfin
10/24 Charlene Hall


10/2 Ed Godshall (13)
10/10 Lorri Christopher (40)
10/12 Gary Lane (18)
10/25 Dottie Toney (7)
10/31 William Kelly, Jr. (34)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Le Méridien Atlanta Perimeter
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Carter Stout
President-Elect Jennifer Bowler
Immediate PP Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Cathie Brumfield
Secretary Louise Barden
Membership Brian Harper
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

Now is the Time to ...

  • Get ready for Thirsty Thursday - tomorrow night at Porter Brew & Que Brewery, 5486 Chamblee Dunwoody Road. The fun begins at 5:30 pm! Invite a friend or a former Dunwoody Rotarian.
  • Buy your tickets for our club's first Exclusive Whiskey and Cigar Pairing raffle - and encourage your friends and whiskey/cigar enthusiasts to do the same. Only 11 days left until the first drawing on October 31!
  • Think about how you'd like to be part of Dunwoody's GRSP Leadership weekend in January. 
  • Think about what you might do to support The Rotary Foundation and End Polio Now. Jennie Stipick will be speaking to us about The Rotary Foundation at next week's meeting.
  • Include extra toys in your holiday shopping list - for our annual Toys for Tots project with the US Marines AND a new partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Dunwoody police. More about both in future newsletters but you can get a headstart now.

Read on for more information!

Support Our Fundraiser
Exclusive Whiskey & Cigar Pairing Raffle - October Drawing 11 Days Away!

In our first ever Whiskey & Cigar Pairing Raffle, this month's featured prize is a Weller Antique 107 Bourbon with two "paired to the bourbon" specialty cigars. Tickets are on sale now at www.whiskey-raffle.com. Only 33 of 100 tickets remain at this writing for the drawing that takes place October 31. Be sure to share the link with anyone you think would enjoy this special opportunity - proceeds will support the Rotary Club of Dunwoody's work in the community and around the world! And, people can buy tickets for our November and December drawings too - featuring a Shortbarrel and a Blanton Original Single Barrel bourbon with matching cigars.

Thirsty Thursday
Join in the Thirsty Thursday Fun Tomorrow Night at 5:30 PM

This Thursday, October 21, we welcome you  to join us for Thirsty Thursday in a new venue - Porter Brew & Que Brewery, 5486 Chamblee Dunwoody Road. The fun begins at 5:30 pm! Bring a friend or a former Dunwoody Rotarian. Hope to see you there!

Gearing Up for GRSP Leadership Weekend in January

We are gearing up for one of our major undertakings of the Rotary year - the 2022 GRSP Leadership Conference! We expect about 43 international students from colleges and universities all over the state of Georgia to join us in Dunwoody over the Martin Luther King weekend (January 14-16) and would welcome the help of all Dunwoody Rotarians and members of our Family of Rotary. There is an opportunity for everyone to participate - we'd like to mention two:

  • Join the Planning Committee next Wednesday, October 27 at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Join in at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89350291662?pwd=TURJY3E2eWdCRHRsUFJpWGVUbnROUT09
  • Consider being a host family for the Leadership Weekend. This involves providing a place to sleep, breakfast and some transportation for Friday night through Sunday morning - generally for two of the international students. We are asking that students provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within three days before the conference to attend, and that host parents be vaccinated.

Contact the Bardens if you'd like more information on the weekend.

Club Calendar
What's Happening in October and November

Here's a way to keep up with all that's happening with the Rotary Club of Dunwoody. If you would like to add an event - or add a story to the bulletin, send an email to Jackie Cuthbert at [email protected] by Tuesday evening.

Oct. 21

Thirsty Thursday, Porter Brew & Que Brewery, 5486 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, 5:30 pm – Welcome Dunwoody Alumni

Oct. 22

No meeting

Oct. 23

Bounds Garden clean-up, 9:00 AM

Oct. 27

GRSP Leadership Conference Planning Meeting: 7:00 pm via Zoom

Oct. 29

Freddy Morello, Clubhouse Atlanta

Oct. 31

First drawing, Exclusive Whiskey and Cigar Pairing Raffle

Nov. 5

Meeting: The Rotary Foundation

Nov. 12

Meeting: Major Andrew Radloff, US AirForce

Nov. 13

Dunwoody Nature Center Service Project

Nov. 16

Board meeting: Zoom 7:30 am

Nov. 16

Attorney/CPA – Rotary Means Business, 6:30 pm at Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, Perimeter

Nov. 18

Thirsty Thursday

Nov. 19

No meeting

Nov. 21

Second drawing: Exclusive Whiskey and Cigar Pairing Raffle

Nov 26

No meeting; Happy Thanksgiving!

Dec 10

Holiday luncheon, Dunwoody Country Club, Toys for Tots collection
