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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.com
President | Tina Philpot |
President-Elect | Rick Otness |
Secretary | Cathie Brumfield |
Treasurer | Larry Domenico |
Consul General Stephens assumed his post in Atlanta in July 2015 as the second Irish Consul General for the US Southeastern region, responsible for Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Since joining Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 2001, Mr. Stephens has served at Ireland’s Embassies to Tanzania, the Holy See, the European Union, Nigeria and Malaysia. Immediately prior to his current post, while working as Assistant Chief of Protocol for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Dublin, he was responsible for arranging many of President Michael D. Higgins’ visits abroad and incoming Presidential visits to Ireland.
Consul General Stephens received his BA in History from Trinity College Dublin, and holds an MSc in Political Economy of Transition in Europe from the London School of Economics. He hails from Dublin and is married with four children.
If you haven't signed up yet to attend the 2017 RI Convention being held in Atlanta from June 10th through June 14, now is the time to sign yourself up, and give serious thought to signing up your spouse and kids if you have them.
There are going to be great speakers and fun activities during the convention. remember that you will probably never have less travel expenses related to attending an RI convention.
Here is the current cost for various tickets.
Type of Ticket | Cost until 3/31/17 | Cost as of 4/1/17 | Act Now and Save |
Rotarian | $415 | $490 | $75 |
Spouse of Rotarian | $415 | $490 | $75 |
Children under 5 | Free | Free | - |
Children over 5 but not yet 19 | $10 | $10 | - |
Friend of Rotarian | $415 | $490 | $75 |
Rotaract | $100 | $130 | $30 |
Interact | $10 | $10 | - |
Your registration includes a full day of activities including the following:
·Admission to the convention’s opening and closing ceremonies and general sessions where you’ll hear from inspiring and entertaining speakers, including top leaders in our organization
·Informative breakout sessions to help you build your communication, leadership, and project management skills
·Opportunities to network and exchange ideas while browsing the project and fellowship booths in the House of Friendship
·Entertainment provided by local artists and musicians in the House of Friendship and at the general sessions
·Transportation between your hotel and the convention venue, if you booked your hotel through Rotary’s official housing partner, Experient
What’s not included:
·Pre-convention events
·Rotary- and host-ticketed events
·Accommodations, meals, and transportation to and from the airport
If you haven't registered yet, do it today. Here are the simple steps you need to follow:
Step | Action/Notes |
1 | Go to www.Riconvention.org |
2 | Click on Register button at top left side of screen |
3 | Enter your email address and password associated with your My Rotary account, or create an account if you do not currently have a My Rotary account |
4 | Validate your personal information.
5 | Click on save and continue button at lower left portion of screen |
6 | If you want to register a guest(s) click on the add a guest button, otherwise click on the continue button at lower right.
7 | Select registration type and click on Save and Continue |
8 | Select any special sessions you want to attend for extra costs
9 | Review the summary of charges for you and your guest(s), and if correct click on the save and continue button. |
10 | You must pay now to get the current rate of $415 (price goes to $490 on 04/01/17). If you say pay later whatever rates are in effect when payment is made will be charged at that point. Select pay now and specify the credit/debit card to be charged. When information is entered, hit continue and you will be taken to the payment confirmation screen. |
11 | Print the Payment confirmation page. It has your registration ID |
An exemplary Rotarian and Dunwoody resident who lives the motto “Service above Self,” Kathy Brandt’s leadership has resulted in her selection as the Bill Mulkey “Greater Giving Award for 2016-2017.” She has served with passion following the Ideals of Rotary, compassion for those in need, and with a focus on results. Her leadership roles have spanned the Rotary Club of Dunwoody, the DeKalb Rotary Council, the Georgia Rotary Student Program, District 6900 of Rotary International, and the Rotary Foundation. Initiatives she led have had remarkable results including the fostering of world peace and understanding through Group Study Exchange , Ambassadorial Scholarship candidates, and the Rotary Foundation Grant for a University Teacher. As president in 2008-2009, her membership development grew the club by 25 new members, a club record.
Brandt’s fundraising efforts have resulted in phenomenal returns via the annual Governor’s Ball and silent auction, and RunDunwoody, an annual race initiated and continued under her leadership since 2010.
At the club level, she led a stringent long-range planning process to reaffirm the club’s vision, values, and mission. She has advocated and volunteered for Special Olympics of Georgia, AIDS Awareness presentations, the Dunwoody Nature Center’s improvements, the USO, gardening in the traffic triangle in the heart of Dunwoody, assistance at the Dunwoody Arts Festival, and Junior Achievement of Georgia, through which she has taught success skills for the workplace to hundreds of middle and high school students.
The goal of “doing more for more” has been accomplished because of her leadership, which makes her aa walking billboard for the Ideals of Rotary. Her major strengths are her abilities to foster goal clarity, to engage and recognize others, and to energize members to “get it done” while having fun. She is the first recipient since the award was created in 2015-2016 to honor Bill Mulkey, the member known throughout the Rotary world as “Mr. Rotary.” A beautiful pin was designed for those so honored and it will be presented at the club’s Holiday Luncheon at the Dunwoody Country Club each year.
Note: The above article may also be found in the latest edition of the Dunwoody Crier.
Congratulations to Rotary Club of Dunwoody Member Dottie Toney Ransom
Recipient of the DeKalb Rotary Council’s PDG William M. Mulkey "Show Rotary Cares" Award
Congratulations to Dottie Toney Ransom for being recognized as this year’s recipient of the DeKalb Rotary Council’s “Show Rotary Cares” award. The award was announced by PAG Jennie Stipick and was presented to Dottie by PDG Bill Mulkey.
For the past seventeen years, the "Show Rotary Cares" Award has been earned by a Rotarian from each Rotary club in DeKalb County for their exemplification of Rotary service, dedication, and commitment. The RI President’s Theme originated in 1997 when Glenn W. Kinross of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, served as RI President and our own PDG Bill Mulkey served as Rotary District 6900 Governor.
To qualify, the Rotarian must demonstrate commitment and action in all "Five Avenues of Service.” This award is given in honor of Past District Governor Bill Mulkey for his many years of leadership and service to the DeKalb Rotary Council and Rotary International District 6900.
Dottie certainly deserves this award and our club’s appreciation for her extraordinary example of "Show Rotary Cares." The entire theme is "Show Rotary Cares".... for your community, for our world, and for its people.
RCD Trivia Question of the Week:
In which Rotary year did RCD become a 100% Paul Harris Club?
Email [email protected] with the correct answer! The FIRST to email me with the CORRECT answer will have the automatic opportunity to draw a card for a chance to win the Laws of Life drawing during this week's meeting!
The correct answer and trivia winner will be announced during the meeting. This new trivia challenge will continue each week, so be sure to keep checking the bulletin for the latest trivia question.
Thank you to everyone who made this trivia challenge possible, including Dottie Toney, Bill Mulkey and Tina Philpot, and for YOU for participating! We hope that you enjoy the challenge and learn more about Rotary and our Club in the process!
The Dunwoody Arts Festival 2017 on Mother’s Day weekend, May 13 and 14, is not far off, and we are tentatively committed to assisting again this year, with some perks and less work. We will be given a strategically-located booth at no charge to the club. To accommodate our presence, we need about 10-12 members willing to “man” the booth in 2-hour stints from 9:00-5:00 Saturday and 12:00-5:00 Sunday afternoon.
Kathy Brandt, Kelly Hundley, and Tina Philpot are coordinating 12 volunteers to help with artist set-up in early morning on Saturday.
If you are willing to assist in either of these ways, please contact Kathy Brandt for the early morning shifts and Dottie Toney for the daytime slots.
The Governors Ball had 293 paid admissions. The general feedback is that people had a good time, and certainly showed it by donating lots of money. Of course having Moonshine may also have played some small part in generating very generous donations.
The Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund appears to have raised just under $50,000 which will enable the Club to do many good works in 2017-2018. And our members are to be congratulated on both their generosity, as well as inviting friends that would contribute money to the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund.
Of the money donated through Fund A Need(FAN), sponsorships, and auction items, non members contributed a small portion out of every dollar. We are improving on getting other people's money while still having a really good party. Please pat yourself on the back, and keep inviting friends who not only like to party but also will donate to funds to support the good works of the Dunwoody Rotary Club.
Note: All photos from the Governor's Ball may be found HERE.
In an effort to better understand the new tools and methods available to our Club in the upcoming year (2017-2018), a hearty crew of 9 Club members travelled to Columbus Georgia to attend an all day District Training Assembly on 03/18/17. At the event the following members of our 2017-2018 leadership team
Louise Barden
Fred Brandt
Lorri Christopher
Bill Mulkey
Rick Otness
Mike Parks
Tina Philpot
Rick Woods
Bill Woulfin
received training in the latest tools and methods related to :
This is all part of preparing our Club for an excellent 2017-2018 year.
The Governors Ball may appear to just happen, but it doesn't just happen without the members coming together. We had a great volunteer effort with over 55+ club members volunteering. The result was a highly successful party and fund raiser. You all deserve to take a bow for your efforts.
There were certain people that worked longer and harder than others, and now is the time to thank them. Please take a moment to thank these persons for their exceptional contributions, mostly done behind the scene in the months leading up to the Ball. Many of these persons stepped into their roles with little or no prior experience, and made all of us very proud of the results.
Overall Chair of Governors Ball: John Visconti stepped up and created a record setting event. He generously involved the Westin far beyond their prior generous contributions, making meeting space and meals available for the steering committee meetings over a period of 18 weeks. Most of the Live Gift items were a direct result of his efforts. You should also know that John had only been a member of our Club for less than 6 months when he agreed to take on this gigantic challenge.
Gifts: Rick Woods and his team of Tracie Carothers, Jan Gross and Gijs Korremans did a tremendous job of collecting the donated gifts arranged by our members, key entering each donated gift into the Greater Giving database, preparing display cards for each gift, transporting the gifts to the party, and assisting with the setup. After the ball they quickly discerned who had purchased what, while quickly reaching out to those members with any issues. Particular thanks goes to Gijs who coordinated all the analysis using the database, which allowed quick resolution of any questions.
Invitations: Lorri Christopher and her team of Michelle Annett and Anne Glenn were responsible for creating the logo for the party, printing the invitations, assembling the addresses of all the invitees, addressing ~250 invitations, following up on the RSVPs, as well as arranging seating at the various tables.
Sponsors: Hoshi Daruwalla and his team of Rick Woods and John Visconti brought in ~$25,000 in sponsorships. They included 2 corporate sponsors (Northside Hospital and Choate), 6 individual gold level sponsors, plus 9 table sponsors. Hoshi also created a presentation that we can take out to corporations in Dunwoody and Sandy Springs, that will raise our profile as a Club, and help with other club fund raising events.
Entertainment: Ken Levy coordinated getting the band, organizing the photo opportunity with Lang Woody's beloved pickup truck (Claudine), the design and manufacturing of the signage & banners, hiring the security guard, hiring of a videographer, arranging for the wine thru Charlie Augello, as well as finding a source for our Moonshine. You should know that he did all that without a team. He has understandably mentioned that he may want some more help next year.
Operations: Carter Stout and his team of volunteers (~40 club members with spouses) who made short work on Saturday morning of the tasks associated with setting up the Silent Auction displays, stuffing envelopes for the attendees, setting up the computer nerve center for processing check-in and check out, and also coordinated the tear down effort after the party, as well as coming back Sunday morning to help haul unclaimed gifts and auction materials back to our storage unit.
Of course the real unsung heroes of the Governors Ball are the Rotaract Club volunteers. There were 10 volunteers that allowed our Club members to enjoy the Ball, while the Rotaract Club made sure that everything ran as smoothly as a Swiss watch. They are:
Syed Ali
Jessie Bitterlin
Diania Chika
Kamari Cook
Jesica Falcone
Phillip Hairston
Kate Keator
Hadil Maarouf
Alisha Rodriguez
Marcus White
The Rotaract volunteers attended a training session the week before the Ball, they helped with the set up on the morning of the Ball, they staffed the check-in (giving out envelopes to all the attendees) as well as entering credit card data for each arriving guest, handled the check-out efforts, assisted the Auctioneer by recording bids during the Live Auction, collected bid sheets when the Silent Auction ended, key entered all the final Bid information into the computer database, as well as printed out invoices as guest departed. Without their support our Ball would just not happen. Please take a moment to thank the Rotaract Club members for their tremendously valuable contributions.
Please consider supporting The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke by participating in the Angels Among Us 5K and Family Fun Walk on April 29, 2017 through making a donation to Patty Adcox's Page Linked HERE.
Your tax-deductible gift will make a difference in the lives of many! It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make your donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. If you would prefer, you can also send your tax-deductible contribution to the following address: Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke, DUMC Box 3624, Durham, NC 27710.
Trivia Answer: 2015-2016
Make-Up a Missed Meeting <> Visit an E-Club!!!
Please help the Rotary Club of Dunwoody lead District 6900 in attendance average!
Rotary International has approved the request of 27 clubs to form with virtual or electronic locations. A visit to one of these E-CLUBS may satisfy a club member's make-up
http://www.rotaryeclubzante.gr (Greek and English)
Do you know a young professional (ages 21-30) that:
This could be your child, your grandchild, your neighbor, your co-worker or employee. The Rotaract Club of Atlanta would welcome an opportunity to have them visit one of our meetings.
For more info, please visit www.atlantarotaract.com or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Meetup.
Dunwoody Rotary members are always invited to attend Rotaract events and meetings! Please visit www.atlantarotaract.com for information on upcoming meetings and events, including the time and place.
Send your Newsletter submission to [email protected]
Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:
Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:
Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Thank you!
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