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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.org
ROTARY CLUB OFFridays, 7:15 am |
President | Jack Sparks, Jr. |
President-Elect | Louise Barden |
President Nominee | Matthew Johnson |
Immediate PP | Jennifer Shumway |
Vice President | Louise Barden |
Treasurer | Carter Stout |
Secretary | Dave Burr |
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I love the photo - 42 GRSP students packing 10,000 meals as part of our 22nd annual GRSP Leadership Weekend. Thanks to all who helped - more about this in next week's bulletin. For today, LOTS of OPPORTUNITIES for fellowship and service ... be sure to read to the bottom and check them all out.
Tomorrow - February 15 - we'll be gathering at The Duke, 4686 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody - for food and fellowship with our Dunwoody Family of Rotary. Join us from 5:30 - 7:30 pm.
Join Rotarians from all seven clubs in the DeKalb Rotary Council next Friday morning, February 23, to honor our teachers and this year's Rotarian recipients of the Show Rotary Cares (in honor of our own PDG Bill Mulkey) awards and the You are the Key award (in honor of PDG Bob Grant). The event will be held at Georgia Piedmont Technical College DeKalb Conference Center, 495 N Indian Creek Dr., Clarkston, GA 30021. Festivities begin at 7:00 am.
We need to send in a headcount for Dunwoody participants by this Friday, February 16. Since we don't have a meeting this week, please send your RSVP to Louise Barden at [email protected] by noon this Friday.
If you love gardening, you'll love our Saturday morning workday at Bounds Gardens - the traffic island across from the Dunwoody Library. Bring your favorite garden tool and join Ranger Fred Bounds at 9:00 am on Saturday, February 17.
Would you like to be part of a reservation for 12 at Carbonara at 6:00 on March 2? Just let Dottie Toney know by Friday, February 23 - her email is [email protected]
The 2024 FORE! the Memories Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, May 13, 2024 at St. Marlo Country Club. The website is live and ready for sponsor and golfer sign up - you and anyone interested can visit our Fore! the Memories site. Proceeds benefit the Alzheimer's Association The Longest Day initiative and also raise money for the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund that makes so much of our work in the community possible. How can you help? Here are three ways ...
Have you ever wanted to learn more about how you can help your family, neighbors, customers, coworkers or fellow parishioners whose lives are touched by Alzheimer’s or other dementias? How can you be a better friend to families experiencing the changes of dementia?
Join us at St Patrick’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, March 3, 2024, 2:00-3:30pm for this free educational event featuring Daphne Johnston, CEO and Founder of the Respite for All Foundation. Daphne will offer dementia communication skills, ideas for activities, and a joyful message for how families can find hope while living with dementia.
Visit anchorplace.org or contact Mary Cohen, Director, Anchor Place Respite-Dunwoody at [email protected] for more information. Registration is requested, but not required.
Have you signed up yet to be a judge for the Georgia Rotary Clubs Laws of Life Essay Contest? Judging season is starting now and the program needs your help. Many of us have judged in the past and can vouch for this amazing opportunity - it gives you a window into the experiences that are shaping and inspiring our young people.How do you sign up? [more]
Dunwoody Rotarians have always had a great time together at District Conference - and we expect to continue that tradition at Jekyll Island this March 21-24, 2024. There's still time to join in the fun - log in to the District website - rotary6900.org - to register and book a hotel. Then let Griff know you're coming, so he can add you to our Saturday night dinner festivities.
Charter Member Charles Pittard passed away on January 24, 2024. His wife Pat passed away in November. joint memorial service honoring Charlie and Pat Pittard will take place on Friday, February 16, 2024 at 1:00 PM in the sanctuary of Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 1548 Mt. Vernon Rd., Dunwoody, GA 30338. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you make a donation to Dunwoody United Methodist Church.