District 6900 News for November, 2024
Pizza, Beer and Rotary
By Gordon Owens One of the things I love about serving with RI President Stephanie is that she is so down to earth. Like me, she would rather be in jeans and a t-shirt engaged in service with fellow Rotarians than all dressed up at a meeting. In fact, her favorite kind of meeting is what she calls a PBR meeting. And by PBR, she means Pizza, Beer & Rotary. After an inspiring week of Building Bridges in Pittsburgh at our Zone 33/34 Summit, RI President invited members of our district to her home for a PBR meeting and it was great! She showed off her basement where she cheers on the Steelers and treated us to some local beer & pizza. She reminded us that Rotary doesn't have to be expensive or complicated to join and it should absolutely be fun. [more] |
Disaster Relief
By Chris Brand From Wednesday, October 30 through Saturday, November 2 we had Rotary volunteers supporting families in need in the Augusta, GA area. When we set out, there were 200+ requests for assistance from families without the resources to pay someone to remove trees & debris from their yards. We are proud to report there are a few less in need as a result of our time in Augusta, but this is far from over. People will need help in this area for months to come. If you would like to join our next work trip, fill out this quick form. We are also talking with our friends in D6910 on providing a community Thanksgiving dinner on November 23 in this area. [more] |
Foundation Month
By Bob Hagan November is Foundation Month and provides a great opportunity to focus on the impact The Rotary Foundation has in our district. Giving to the Annual Fund is used for community or competitive grants locally and global grants internationally. Without the immense generosity of the members of district 6900 we would not have well over $300,000 to use this year for projects in our communities and beyond. We had a record high 56 out of 67 clubs take advantage of community grant funding and we have more requests for global grants then we can fund this year. If we give more, we can do more in the future, please consider a donation to the annual fund and support the great work of Rotarians across our district. [more] |
World Polio Day
By Bob Hagan In honor of World Polio Day, our district committed $69,000 to Polio Plus. This contribution gets matched by the TRF World Fund before it then gets the standard 2-1 match from the Gates Foundation. This donation from our district will provide 690,000 children with the polio vaccine around the world as we keep our promise to eradicate polio from the face of the earth. To help us celebrate the impact of this generosity many of our district leaders participated in an End Polio Now walk through Pittsburgh at our Zone Summit. If you missed it on social media, check out the fun video DG Gordon and I did to announce our gift at the summit. [more] |
December 5, 2024 - 10AM
By Lee Hollingsworth Gifts to Rotary's Endowment play a vital role in providing districts with a reliable income stream to support projects and grants. Join us this December to explore how Rotary's Endowment complements Annual Giving to enhance district sustainability and support impactful initiatives. Panelists will discuss how a well-funded Endowment contributes to membership growth and community engagement by funding scholarships, humanitarian grants, and district grants. Additionally, the session will cover strategies for engaging your district leaders and club members in raising awareness of the Endowment's importance. Discover how effective use of Rotary's Endowment can drive long-term success and amplify your district's impact. [more] |
By Will Daniel The Rotavette Raffle is a great opportunity to help us raise money for the Rotary Annual Fund from outside of our membership. Everyone has a friend, neighbor or family member who is a car guy, that would love a 1 in 3000 chance to win a Corvette C8. Asking "that guy" to buy a $100 raffle ticket is a much easier ask, than saying, "will you give $100 to our Rotary Foundation." The money we raise this year, will come back to us in 3 years in the form District Designated Funds to support community grant, competitive grant and global grant projects. The more we raise, the more impact we will have in the future. Thanks for helping us share this fun opportunity to support the Annual Fund. [more] |
Webinar: November 11, 2024 at 5:30 pm
By Dave Schwickerath Effective onboarding is essential to improving member retention, as it helps new members gain a deeper understanding of Rotary, feel more engaged in our mission, and strengthens their commitment to staying involved. Don't miss our upcoming MAP Webinar: 'Interactive Onboarding: The Key to Keeping New Members'! Mark your calendars for November 11th and join the webinar at 5:30 pm ET as we discuss strategies to onboard new members! If you missed our October webinar, 'Attraction Action: Build Your Club With Innovative and Traditional Solutions', the replay is online and available for viewing at RIZones33-34.org. Use this link to access it and all past recordings. [more] |
April 24-27, 2024 | Jekyll Island, GA
By Ryan Swertfager We hope you've booked your hotel room for our first-ever joint district conference by now as there are only a few rooms left in our block. Now it's time to get registered. Registration will include meals from lunch on Friday to breakfast on Sunday, our beach tailgate party on Friday afternoon, live entertainment on Saturday night and a few adult beverages along the way. We are using DACdb for registration and most of you don't have a login, so click on the "Guest Registration" tab at the top of the registration form to get started. Visit GeorgiaUnitedDC.com for more information. [more] |
RYLA Update
By Jaclyn Donovan RYLA is not just a summer camp – it is a whole experience. A wonderful, joyful, sometimes tiring, but absolutely life-changing experience for all involved. As we look forward to RYLA 2025 and all of the amazing students and moments it will bring us, we took a moment to reflect on what we are thankful for when it comes to RYLA: - Watching students grow and learn
- Seeing teams bond
- Rotary clubs that make the investment to send students to RYLA
- Watching students step outside their comfort zones and have their teams cheer them on
- Energy and passion that the staff puts into camp
- My RYLA Family
- Hearing past students talk about what they learned and how they used what they learned
- Working with staff who care deeply about the betterment of others
- Cool breezes on hot June days
- District 6900 being so supportive of the RYLA program
(Editor's Note: Keep reading ... there are so many more reasons to be thankful for RYLA .... as well as simple steps to be part of RYLA 2025. [more] |
Rotary Means Business
By Carter Stout Join us at Rotary Means Business on Tuesday, November 26 for fellowship and networking. We'll be at Politan Row at Ashford Lane , 4550 Olde Perimeter Way in Dunwoody from 6-8 pm. See you there! |
Raise Money For Your Club Or Cause
By Paul Ray Does your Rotary Club or other organization you support need to raise money? On February 1st, 2025 the Rotary Club of Alpharetta will host a ready-made fundraiser just for you! We are Freezin’ for a Reason! Our 8th annual Polar Bear Plunge lets you create your own team, raise funds, take the “plunge”, and get a check! Last year the average team earned around $5000.00! The sky is the limit for you, so start a team today! You do not need to come to Alpharetta to participate. You can plunge in whatever body of water near you. Last year we had teams in Utah and Brazil. Visit AlpharettaPolarBearPlunge.com to get started. [more] |
By Katheryne Fields For the first time in nearly 20 years, there is “buzz” in the air about Georgia Tech for the Georgia Rotary Student Program. GRSP has worked directly with Rotary Clubs and Tech to offer scholarships to international students, including Atharva Lele, 19 of India and Seraphine “Sheena” Gunawan, 19 of Indonesia. [more] |
Club News
By Jacob Southerland In September, the Rotary Club of Marietta treated Marietta first responders to a barbecue lunch in recognition of their work on the front lines. The club’s Public Service Appreciation Luncheon was held behind the Marietta Fire Department. The annual event aims to acknowledge, honor and thank all Marietta public safety heroes, according to club President Don Barbour. “Thank you for what you do every day, and it’s our pleasure to sponsor this luncheon and to serve you today,” Barbour said to the officers and firefighters. [more] |
Club News
By Kay Williamson In October, Meriwether County Rotary Club members participated in one-on-one report card conferences with students from Manchester High School and Greenville High School. Rotarian members and other community leaders met with each student during the conferences to review their report card grades, provide career advice and support, and discuss their personal and school interests. This event aimed to offer students positive feedback and encouragement to excel academically. [more] |
Club News
By Kathryn Igou Established by the Board of Commissioners in 1995, the Fulton County Citizens Commission on the Environment (FCCCE) advises on development projects and collaborates with community organizations and citizens to promote and encourage environmentally sound practices. Since 2003, the commission has awarded “Environmental Awards” every year to recognize exemplary environmental efforts and best practices that serve to inspire others. This year, the Roswell Rotary Club - under the leadership of our champion of the environment, Dutch Earle, were recognized for our efforts. Dutche is a Roswell Rotarian with a passion for the rivers and creeks, the wildlife, and so many of the recreational opportunities our Roswell area provides including trout fishing and kayaking. [more] |
Rotary Foundation Opportunity
By Brant Campbell In June, members of the Vinings Cumberland Rotary Club embarked on a life-changing trip to Paraguay, where they were hosted for a week by the Rotary Club of Luque, Paraguay. During their stay, the visiting members were warmly welcomed into the homes of local Rotary families, fostering a deeper connection between the clubs. This visit marked a significant milestone in the ongoing Agua Fresca project, a collaboration between the two clubs to provide fresh, potable water to schools in Paraguay. The project, which began in 2018, has positively impacted countless students by providing access to safe, chilled drinking water. The club is currently pursuing a Global Grant to fund additional fountains in Nueva Italia. If your club would like to participate in the Global Grant or if you would like to join a future trip to Paraguay, please contact International Service Chair Brant Campbell at [email protected]. [more] |
 Angeli Abrol Duggal, Rotary Club of Clifton-Emory (RCCE) and CDC Deputy Chief; Dr. Zubair Wadood, Medical Officer, WHO Geneva; Past District Governor Claudia Mertl; Dr. Hemant Shukla, Medical Officer, WHO EMRO. |
End Polio Now
By Claudia Mertl In honor of World Polio Day, the Rotary Clubs of Atlanta Southern Cresent/Clifton Emory held a dinner at Chai Pani in honor of polio champions who have dedicated their lives to eradicating polio as part of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). The Club was humbled and honored to be in the presence of several global polio champions who were in town for high level strategy meetings, including Dr. Hemant Shukla and Dr. Mufti Zubair Wadood. They shared their experiences on the frontlines of polio eradication in the most remote parts of the world and the immense efforts and dedication that polio workers share globally towards a polio-free world. [more] |
Club News
By Trina Kolawole The Rotary Club of Lake Spivey/Clayton County once again demonstrated the power of community service and outreach. In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina, the Rotary Club organized a donation drive, collecting essential supplies for the victims of the storm. Rotary clubs around the world are known for their motto of “Service Above Self,” and the Rotary Club of Lake Spivey/Clayton County lived up to that ideal. Leading the efforts to collect critical supplies was Assistant Treasurer Tracee Lee (on the right), pictured with President Judith Bennett. Tracee’s dedication ensured that the collection process ran smoothly and efficiently. [more] |
Club News
By Mandy Timmons The Rotary Club of Peachtree City hosted the
2nd Annual Bourbon & Bow Ties / Pinot & Pearls FUNdraiser at the
stunning Central Plaza in the Town of Trilith. Thanks to the generosity and
enthusiasm of our attendees, sponsors, and donors, the event raised over
$75,000, which will be reinvested directly into the … [more] |
Club News
By David Burr The Rotary Club of Dunwoody has an array of fine whiskeys and more - grouped into six prize packages ... all destined to find homes with lucky winners in our third annual Whiskey Raffle. Tickets are on sale now through November 14 (or earlier if we sell ticket #400 before then). more] |
Club News
By Kay Williamson The Cotton Fair, a cherished event in our community, is the Rotary Club of Meriwether County's primary fundraiser, occurring twice a year on the first weekends of May and October. On October 5, 2024, we were honored to have Rotary District 6900 Governor Gordon Owens join us at the fair. Governor Owens, along with the dedicated Meriwether Co Rotarians, worked tirelessly to prepare the hotdogs, ensuring each one was dressed with all the fixings that make them so delicious. He was also an aficionado when it came to making candy apples. [more] |
Club News
By Lisa Gelber On a beautiful September morning, members of Rotary Club of North Fulton hosted a Treasure Hunt for 100 preschool students at Children's Development Academy. This school provides a high quality preschool education to children who may not otherwise receive any formal education prior to kindergarten. The Rotary club provided fun and colorful treasures and then hid them on the playground for the children to find. After two successful treasure hunts, Rotarians joined the preschoolers for lunch. The conversations were definitely entertaining! [more] |
Club News
By Amy Lemelin The second truckload of donations headed out October 21 from Southern Belle Farm to help hurricane survivors in Western North Carolina. The initiative was organized by McDonough resident and Ausband Chapman Insurance agent, Mike Warren and Henry County Rotary, but was only possible with the support and donations from the Henry County community as a whole! The donations collected will go a long way to help supply much needed essentials to residents of Western NC who were and still are devastated by Hurricane Helene. Many thanks to the local business’ that served as drop-off locations for this initiative including: Southern Belle Farm, Macon Street Tacos, The Camera Museum and Ausband Chapman Insurance. [more] |
Club News
By Art Rosser Decatur Legacy Park is a 77-acre site that includes historic buildings and a 22-acre conservation area with a pond, wetlands, riparian areas, nature trails, woodlands, and meadows. Although all types of ecosystems are important, wetlands are incredibly vital for stormwater management, pollution filtration, and wildlife habitat. On October 12, the Rotary Club of Decatur was excited to bring the community together to plant native vegetation along the wetland area to support the Park’s biodiversity, stabilize the stream bank, provide food for wildlife, and provide a calm and aesthetically welcoming environment for the community to learn about the importance of wetland areas. [more] |
Club News
By Janice Wallace The Rotary Club of Griffin had such a great time the evening of October 10th at our annual Fall Outing. This year’s theme was Rotary College Football, reflecting our current Fundraiser occurring now through the season in support of our project fund. We held it at the Concord Event Center in beautiful Concord, GA and our club had a great turnout with everyone enjoying tailgate party food and drinks and enjoying the best fall weather that evening. Our favorite referee, Chuck Copeland from First National Bank led many of us through a rather exciting football throwing contest - with Tim Hearn of United Bank demonstrating his expert arm and winning the contest. Our President, Kathleen Smith and President elect Natalie Marshall went up against each other with Natalie edging her out by 1 point. It was a lot of fun. Our Fall Outing Chairs, Jeff Jacobs and Don Crider and their entire committee did an outstanding job in organizing our first big social event of the year. This will be hard to beat next year. [more] |
Club News
By Ada Wikina Nancy Prochaska, Immediate Past President of Rotary Club of North Cobb, was guest speaker at Otterup Rotary Club in Denmark. Nancy was a Rotary Youth Exchange student in 1972-1973 in Otterup. During her stay and experience there, Nancy became a Rotarian at heart but women were not allowed into Rotary at the time. But the 'spirit' of Rotary was embedded in her. At the appropriate time she joined Rotary. Nancy recently traveled to Otterup, Denmark where her Rotary journey began to visit her Rotary Exchange mother, and the club. Rotary unites the World. [more] |
Club News
By Kathryn Igou Picture this scenario…a bad guy meth dealer drops a duffle bag of meth while running from the sheriff (a Roswell Rotarian actor Bruce Peoples) and it is eaten by an alligator. That’s the premise of a campy move just released called “Attack of the Meth Gator.” And what if a Rotary club teamed up with a craft brewery to host a screening of the movie while fundraising for polio? That’s the creative project Roswell Rotary and Gate City Brewery hosted on Friday, Oct. 18. [more] |
Club News
By Ada Wikina Rotary Club of North Cobb hosted the first in its series of Peace Summit in partnership with the Rotary Club of Port Au Prince and Rotary Club of Petion-Ville all in Haiti. The main purpose of this initiative is to foster positive peace by encouraging social equity, economic stability, community well-being as well as addressing systematic inequalities, ensuring access to education and healthcare. This complex interplay of progress, positive peace and ongoing challenges will help to enhance conversations on promoting peace. We are Rotarians waging Peace. [more] |
Club News
By Amy Lemelin On Monday October 21, golfers headed to the greens for a beautiful day in the sunshine while supporting Henry County Rotary Club’s annual Golf Tournament with a portion of proceeds going to Rotary International's efforts to eradicate polio and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Golfers were treated to breakfast, lunch and dinner and a chance to win some great prizes. The fundraiser was a great success - supported by golfers, sponsors and volunteers. [more] |
GRSP Update
By Katheryne Fields The Riverwalk and Low-Country Shrimp Boil topped the list of highlights for Georgia Rotary Student Program scholars in Savannah for the recent Hue Thomas, Jr., GRSP Weekend. Rotarians from area clubs hosted our international college students. GRSP Chair Emeritus Jim Drake served as chair for the 17th annual event in Savannah, which also featured a visit to the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum and a trip to Tybee Island. This coming weekend, students travel to Alpharetta - where they will have fun and work on a service project for the City of Alpharetta. [more] |
Club News
By Jacob Southerland The Rotary Club of Marietta decided to postpone its current community project and speedily turn its attention to collecting supplies for the Asheville, NC area devastated by Hurricane Helene. Rotarian Harold Hobbs, having family in the Asheville area, confirmed his family safely made their way to his home in Marietta, but were themselves collecting items to take back to Asheville. The Board promptly offered support, given the urgent needs. Emma Hobbs McShane provided a list she obtained from neighbors and friends in Asheville of necessary items, and Rotarians hit the streets! [more] |
Check out the full district scoreboard |
Here are the clubs that are leading the way in our district for membership, annual fund and polio plus. |
Category |
I |
Atlanta Metro |
North Atlanta |
Henry County |
II |
Johns Creek North Fulton |
East Cobb |
Vinings Cumberland |
Midtown Atlanta |
Albany |
Decatur |
IV |
North Cobb |
Peachtree City |
Thomasville |
Upcoming Key Dates
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 | Official Visit - East Cobb | Thursday, November 7th, 2024 | Official Visit - Roswell | Thursday, November 7th, 2024 | Calling All Presidents-Elect - Zoom - Rotary's Big Three | Saturday, November 9th, 2024 | DGND Interviews | Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 | Official Visit - North Columbus | Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 | Official Visit - Columbus | Thursday, November 14th, 2024 | Official Visit - Muscogee-Columbus | Tuesday, November 26th, 2024 | Rotary Means Business |