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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.com
President | Tina Philpot |
President-Elect | Rick Otness |
Secretary | Cathie Brumfield |
Treasurer | Larry Domenico |
This week's meeting is a Club Assembly. President Tina will conduct the meeting and President Elect Rick Otness will lead the discussion.
PE Rick will be leading a member discussion and answering questions about the Club's plans for 2017-2018. PE Rick's vision for 2017-2018 will be discussed, as well as how that vision will impact the Club. Please plan on attending and contributing your ideas for how the Club can better serve the needs and passions of the members during 2017-2018.
The following awards, organized by category determined by club size, were announced at the recent District Conference in recognition of our club:
Governor Citation Award -- Rotary Club of Dunwoody
District Service Award -- Jackie Cuthbert
Winner -- Category III
Best Club
Best Membership Retention
Best Foundation Total Giving
Best International Service Project
Best Youth Service Project
Best Yearbook.Scrapbook
Runner Up -- Category III
Best Club Administration
Best Fund Raiser Project
Best Foundation Per Capita Giving
Best Community Service Project
Best Bulletin
If you are already registered to attend the 2017 RI convention, now is the time to sign up to also do a single 4 hour volunteer shift. RI needs to order materials (hats, vests, etc.)and plan training sessions. To do that they need to know the number of volunteers from each club. We have one of the highest percentage of club members signed up to attend the 2017 RI Convention, but are currently one of the least best clubs in terms of the % of club attendees that have committed to volunteer for a single 4 hour shift during the convention. Lets move the dial on this and become one of the best clubs in terms of percent of attendees that have volunteered.
Like many of us, I have been waiting for a formal signal to go sign up. Consider this to be the formal request to volunteer. Below are the simple steps you need to follow to "officially" volunteer. If you have any questions please call Rick Otness at 770-715-9251, or email the question(s) to [email protected] .
The Dunwoody Arts Festival 2017 on Mother’s Day weekend, May 13 and 14, is not far off, and we are tentatively committed to assisting again this year, with some perks and less work. We will be given a strategically-located booth at no charge to the club. To accommodate our presence, we need about 10-12 members willing to “man” the booth in 2-hour stints from 9:00-5:00 Saturday and 12:00-5:00 Sunday afternoon.
Kathy Brandt, Kelly Hundley, and Tina Philpot are coordinating 12 volunteers to help with artist set-up in early morning on Saturday.
If you are willing to assist in either of these ways, please contact Kathy Brandt for the early morning shifts and Dottie Toney for the daytime slots.
Do you know a young professional (ages 21-30) that:
This could be your child, your grandchild, your neighbor, your co-worker or employee. The Rotaract Club of Atlanta would welcome an opportunity to have them visit one of our meetings.
For more info, please visit www.atlantarotaract.com or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Meetup.
Dunwoody Rotary members are always invited to attend Rotaract events and meetings! Please visit www.atlantarotaract.com for information on upcoming meetings and events, including the time and place.
Make-Up a Missed Meeting <> Visit an E-Club!!!
Please help the Rotary Club of Dunwoody lead District 6900 in attendance average!
Rotary International has approved the request of 27 clubs to form with virtual or electronic locations. A visit to one of these E-CLUBS may satisfy a club member's make-up
http://www.rotaryeclubzante.gr (Greek and English)
Send your Newsletter submission to [email protected]
Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:
Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:
Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Thank you!