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The Bulletin


Club Calendar

July is New Rotary Year Month

7/21 Tom Mc Ferrin Principal, Dunwoody High School
7/28 Steve Grable, EVP JLL/Supply Chain Solutions Team
8/4 Bruce Peifke, CEO High Octane Events
8/11 Frank Blake, Chairman Grady Hospital Corporation

Our Rotary Family

7/17 David Gordon
7/25 Frederick Bounds
7/30 Scott Jennings


7/11 William Thiele
7/10 Ken Levy
7/10 Larry Domenico
7/3 Frederick Bounds
7/7 Brian Harper

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
The Westin Atlanta Perimeter North H
7 Concourse Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30328

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs April 25, 1984
Active Membership: 91 FacebookTwitter


President Rick Otness
Secretary Mike Parks
Treasurer Larry Domenico

This Week's Speaker: Tony Barnhart

The 2017 college football season will be Tony Barnhart's 42nd as a reporter for newspapers, television, internet, and radio.

Tony joined the SEC Network which launched August 14, 2014. He contributes to the network’s studio programming and also contributes columns on SECSports.com.

Tony brings a wealth of experience having covered the conference for more than 20 years. He began covering SEC sports at the Atlanta Journal Constitution which led to extensive reporting roles at ESPN and CBS.

Tony is a 1976 graduate of the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism, University of Georgia.

Earlier this year Tony was recognized with the DiGamma Kappa Distinguished Achievement Award. DiGamma Kappa is the national broadcast society at the University of Georgia Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication.

In 2016 Tony received two honors:
• He was inducted into the Grady College of Fellows at the University of Georgia.
• He received National Football Foundation recognition (Athens, GA chapter) for his contribution to amateur football.

Tony is the author of five books on college football and has received numerous awards for sports reporting including the 2009 Bert McGrane Award (Football Writers Association of America – Hall of Fame).

Tony lives in Dunwoody, Ga., with his wife, Maria, who was his high school sweetheart. Tony and Maria have now taken on the wonderful role of G-Dad and G-Mom for their granddaughter, Sloane, who came into the starting lineup on Aug. 23, 2012.

Meeting dates for the next month

The club's meeting location and schedule will be atypical for the next few weeks due to our end of year activities, the July 4th holiday, and the non availability of the Westin, after which our meetings will return to our regular Friday schedule at the Westin.

Here is the schedule for your convenience:


Day of the Week






Tony Barnhart (Mr. College Football)




Tony McFerrin (DHS Principal)




Steve Grable (JLL Supply Chain Solutions)




Bruce Peifke (High Octane Events)




Frank Blake (Chairman of Grady Hospital)

Call for Volunteers for 2 Upcoming Events

There are two upcoming events that need our members participation. We are just stating our year, but it would be great if you could plan to volunteer for at least one of these two volunteer opportunities. Please come out and join me in having some fun, while accomplishing something with a real impact.

Event: Friends of Disabled Adults & Children (FODAC)

When: Saturday July 22, 2017 from 8:30 AM to 2 PM

Where: Meet for breakfast at 8:30 on the patio of the 57th Fighter Group Restaurant located at 3829 Clairmont Road, Atlanta

Why: Your efforts will make sure that FODAC has materials to repair/refurbish that will then be supplied at low prices to the neediest among us. The center supplies employment in the community but only to the extent they have donated materials to refurbish. Last year 7 clubs picked up more than $161,000 of donated materials. They were constrained by the number of volunteers. This year we are hoping to add 10 volunteers from the Rotary Club of Dunwoody.

Link for more details: https://goo.gl/Z4kLH9

Action: email [email protected] before Friday 07/14 to confirm your participation. Pickup routes need to be established during the week before the event.

Event: Family of Rotary Picnic

When: Sunday July 23, 2107 from 2PM to 7PM


What: Picnic for Rotarians, their family members, and their friends, There will be hotdogs, hamburgers and ice cream as well as old fashion games and races. There will also be a service project in which the whole family can participate ("Kids Against Hunger"). We hope to pack 2,000+ meals.

Link for more details: https://goo.gl/LLps3P

Action: By Sunday July 16th, email Ken Levy ([email protected]) that you will be attending on July 23rd. We need your contact information and the number of people you will be bringing.

Needed: A Web Leader

The Club needs someone who likes to explore the capabilities of a computer platform, and then once they know it, make it do to truly amazing and unexpected things. Rick Woods oversaw the Club's transition from using Club Runner to embracing the District/Club platform last fall. The transition has gone well, but as the President Elect for 2017-2018, Rick Woods needs to turn his attention to preparing his team for 2018-2019. We need someone to step in who thrives on teasing out new capabilities, and loves exploring a system's true potential.

Rick Woods will be available to brief you on the system, and give you a rudimentary working knowledge of it, but then it will be up to you to play with the system and discover its true potential. Those interested please contact Rick Otness at[email protected] or call 770-715-9251.


July marks a new Rotary year! Please log onto dunwoodyrotary.org and use the tabs at the top to find and update your membership profile.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected].

Dunwoody Diners goes "out to the Ballgame"

On Saturday a small group got together to go see the Gwinnett Braves play. In all 8 people showed up and had a great time. We got to eat chili dogs, french fries, and ice cream dots. We also got to drink beer and have a good time. The only downer was that the Gwinnett Braves lost to the Indianapolis Indians by a score of 3-1.

However each attendee did get a free bath towel. In addition each Dunwoody Diner contributed $5 to the Dunwoody Rotray Charitable Fund (DRCF). That means we have already collected $40 iso far this fiscal year. Come to our nrxt event and help drive the collection over a $100.

Shown in the picture are Harvey and Natine Rosenzweig, Maureen and Eric Otness, Ken and Sherri Levy, and Carter Stout. Rick Otness took the picture.

Breakout sessions from 2017 RI Convention

The 2017 RI Convention was a huge success. We had between 30-40 Club members that were able to attend the Convention. The slides from each session can be downloaded. My hope is that everyone that attended will take a moment to send me at [email protected] the following information on each session they attended. I will summarize the information, and make it available to club members that didn't attend the Conference, or did not get to attend a session that in retrospect they wish they had, along with links to the slides from the sessions

Please send me your evaluations by no later than 07/24/17, so that we can summarize them while your memory is fairly fresh.

Please use the rating scale below to give your evaluation of each session you attended.

Use scale of 1 to 3 with:

1 being great/valuable

2 being average/some value

3 below average/of little value

Day Time Room Rating Session Name
Monday (06/12/17)

Tuesday (06/13/17)

Wednesday (06/14/17)


Please take a moment to share a memory or two in writing about the2017 RI Convention. We are particularly interested stories about:

Most interesting person you meet

Funniest thing that happened to you at the convention

What you liked most about the convention

These don't have to be long article, just a few sentences to memorialize a portion of the Convention, that might encourage others in the Club to go to future RI conventions. Send these stories to Eleni Bafas ( [email protected]) with a subject line of "Rotary Convention Stories".

Some of the stories/memories that have already been shared involve honorable mentions for :

Seat Meister: Rick Otness showed up early each morning to single handedly hold 30+ seats for our club. He wasn't sure whether it was allowed, but proceeded on the theory that someone would surely tell him if it wasn't. One day he used 10+ mini banners (one every third seat) the next he drafted people to hold adjacent seats. No one called him on it and happily the Club got to sit together.

Master of the Breakout session: Hoshi Daruwalla (when combined with Baku, Delzin and Ruzan) probably attended the most session. Hoshi attended at least 6 sessions, so we think the family total was somewhere north of 15.

Most loved by the camera: This one was a tie between Gary Lane and Geoff Roper. Both made several appearances on the big screens in the main hall. We think a bribe may have been involved. :-)

Ideas needed for 1,000 bags

Our Club has been given an opportunity to use 1,000 surplus bags from the 2017 RI Convention. We need our members to put on their thinking caps, and come up with ideas for their use. A few of the ideas already being floated are:

·Rotary Fund raiser at Krogers.

osell for $5 apiece as way to support local Rotary efforts

§place printed sheet in bag

·explaining what projects Rotary supports locally

·contact info for Rotary Club of Dunwoody

· time and location of Club's weekly meeting

·give to GRSP students over MLK weekend

·Give to each runner at the RunDunwoody event

But we need more ideas. Please send any and all ideas to Hoshi Daruwalla ( [email protected] ), marking the subject line: "Bag ideas".

We have a new banner!

The Club has received its supply of the new banner. Its orientation is landscape rather than portrait. It follows the guidelines that were approved by the Board when Patti Bunker was Communications Director. If you like the new banner, the Sgt at Arms will have a supply should you be planning a trip where you may want to visit another Rotary Club and exchange banners.

Missed Meeting Make-Up Information

Make-Up a Missed Meeting <> Visit an E-Club!!!

Please help the Rotary Club of Dunwoody lead District 6900 in attendance average!

Rotary International has approved the request of 27 clubs to form with virtual or electronic locations. A visit to one of these E-CLUBS may satisfy a club member's make-up requirement, if this online visit counts. Also read "E-CLUBS forge new path for Rotary," a Web-exclusive feature story at www.rotary.org about Rotary E-CLUBS.









http://www.rotaryeclubzante.gr (Greek and English)



From the desk of the Newsletter Editor

Send your Newsletter submission to [email protected]

Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:

  • Speaker bio
  • New Member Name(s)
  • Featured article(s) (regarding events, service projects, or on-going topics general club administrative items, etc..).
  • Foundation initiatives or other topics of interest to Members and with value for our Club archives.
  • Announcements (seeking volunteers, advertising service projects, etc.)
  • For Your Calendar (Club and other activities we encourage members and/or their spouses to attend, including Family of Rotary events
  • Member News (birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, Caring Hands)

Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:

  • Title of your article
  • Description of the activity
  • Dates, Time, Location, deadline, etc... (especially for upcoming events)
  • Key Points of Contact Information and/or a link to reference website for details
  • Names and/or headcount of Rotarians (and others) participating,
  • The reaction of those benefiting and the numbers of those benefiting.
  • Picture(s)

Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Thank you!
