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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

February 12, 2019

Club Calendar

February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/15 Andra Watkins
2/22 To be announced
3/1 Dell Spry, FBI re: Ames Case
3/8 To be announced

Our Rotary Family

2/3 John Carr
2/7 Buzz Law
2/8 Tim Le
2/10 Eleni Bafas
2/13 Griff Ransom
2/18 Chris Smith
2/27 Bob O'Brien


2/14 Erich Schuetz (42)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs April 25, 1984
Active Membership: 83 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Rick Woods
President-Elect Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Ron Barden
Secretary Ardy Bastien
Membership Chair Bob Freeman
Foundation Chair Bill Mulkey
Bulletin Editor Tania Lopez

Speaker this week: Andra Watkins

Featured in January 2017’s Rotarian Magazine, New York Times best selling author Andra Watkins chose a crazy way to launch her debut novel. She is one of the only living persons to walk the 444-mile Natchez Trace as the pioneers did. She had a life-changing adventure with her 80-year-old fa-ther. Her NYT best selling memoir Not Without My Father chronicles that experience.

She also wrote the novel To Live Forever: An Af-terlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis, the novel Hard to Die, the novel I Am Number 13, and the photography collection Natchez Trace: Tracks in Time, published by Word Hermit Press.

Andra is a Past President of the East Cooper Breakfast Rotary Club in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. She is past District Communications Chair for District 7770-Eastern South Carolina, founder of the District 7770 Friendship Exchange program, a two-time Rotarian of the Year, a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, and recipient of her District’s Distinguished Service Award. She is an active member of the Rotary Club of the Southeast and Caribbean.

For more information about Andra, you can visit her website at andrawatkins.com.

Governor Ball

​Rotarians Needed as Volunteers


Essay Judging Sign Up

As a judge, you will see how core values – such as generosity, courage, compassion, perseverance and grit – are experienced by a younger generation. Sign up today!

Essay Readers & School Judges First Review Sessions – Individual Readings

Wednesday, February 13 10:15-2:15 Vinings Library, 4290 Paces Ferry

Thursday, February 14 12:30-4:30 Sharon Forks Library, 2820 Old Atlanta Road

Saturday, February 16 10:15-2:15 Fulton Co Library, Northside Branch, 3295 Northside Pkwy

Tuesday, February 19 9:30-1:30 Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore, 5505 Roswell Road NE

Tuesday, February 26 12:30 - 4:30 Dawson County Library, 342 Allen Street

Monday, February 25 12:30-4:30 Athens Library, 2025 Baxter Street

Thursday, February 21 9:30-1:30 Columbus, GA, Location TBD

Wednesday, February 27 12:30 - 4:30 Forest Park Library, 4812 West Street

Essay Readers & School Judges Second Review Sessions – Group Reviews

Monday, March 4 10:00 - 1:00 Carol Gray's home, West Buckhead

Tuesday, March 10:00 - 1:00 Carol Gray's home, West Buckhead

Wednesday, March 6 10:00 - 1:00 Carol Gray's home, West Buckhead

Friday, March 8 (if needed) 10:00 - 1:00 Carol Gray's home, West Buckhead

State Judge Via Email: Email received on or about March 18 rankings due March 22. 15 essays to read and return rankings. Most judges take 2 to 3 hours of at-home reading to complete the assignment

To participate simply fill out the sign-up form here: http://georgialawsoflife.org/volunteer/. Please sign up by February 8th.

For additional information on Rotary’s Laws of Life Essay Contest or to read last year’s winning essays, visit www.georgialawsoflife.org.

"Wine Toss" to the Governors Ball

In the spirit of Peace and Love, we are reintroducing the "Wine Toss" to the Governors Ball. Here's how it works...

There will be "X" number of wine bottles (all full and unopened) in an area of the floor. See below.

For $10 you will get 3 rings. The object is to toss a ring around a bottle of wine. If you do, you win that bottle. When a bottle is won it will be replaced with a new one. The game lasts until all bottles are gone. It's a fun game that everyone will enjoy.

Now remember, this is a fund raiser. So, President Rick is asking that each member bring a bottle of wine, minimum $10 in value, to contribute to the pool. Start bringing your bottles now and we'll collect them.

Reception for RI President Barry Rassin

District 6900 is proud to announce that Rotary International President, Barry Rassin, will be in our district on Saturday, February 16, 2019. PDG Bob Hagan will be hosting RIP Barry at his home that evening. A cocktail reception will be held between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., with a special champagne reception held at 5:00 p.m. Photo opportunities will be available between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Space is limited on the champagne reception.

Registration is $250 per person for the champagne reception at 5:00 p.m.; $100 for the cocktail reception at 6:00 p.m.

Tickets are still available, so don’t miss this incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Polio Plus Program. Business casual attire.

Questions? Contact PDG Bob Hagan at [email protected]

Promote your business at Rotary 6900 Event! Networking! For Free!

Bring your business cards and elevator speech!

Networking opportunity to share your business with fellow Rotarians. Empowering you!
Appetizers will be provided for the early birds. Cash Bar.

It is simple to spend 3 minutes talking about this event, the cheat sheet is below, which will grow your new members. When your new members hear they can network, they will want to test drive this meeting, then join your club. This is the gateway to members joining your club.

Register for the event at 2-26-19 Tuesday at Event Bright: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rotary-means-business...
Location "Pig and pearl" at Atlantic station
You can bring a guest or a non Rotarian
Staring at 6:30 pm

We are inviting 9 Rotary clubs to join together to network on one night this month and grow your preferred customer list!
Now Rotary is giving back by promoting Rotary Means Business. This is a 90 minute meeting run professionally.

Get a make-up rotary meeting by coming to this meeting.
This meeting is run just like a traditional Rotary Meeting. Starts on time and finishes on time 8:00 pm so you can
get back to your family by 8:30 pm.
Check out this monthly gathering for cross-club Rotarians and Rotarian guests.
For more information you will need to register at Event Bright: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rotary-means-business...

You can bring a guest or a non Rotarian.

​Thirsty Thursday - February

*** !!NEW LOCATION!! ***

Thirsty Thursday Happy Hour 2/21/19

Marlow’s Tavern 5:30 pm

This month Thirsty Thursday has a NEW venue- Marlow’s Tavern. Please mark your calendars for the21st and join us. Marlow’s is offering us free hor d’oeuvres for our first visit.

What’s the change you want to see in the world in 2019? Let’s build goodwill and better friendships.

Where: Marlow’s Tavern, 1317 Dunwoody Village Parkway, Suite 102, Dunwoody, 30338

When: Thursday, 2/21/19, 5:30 PM

Questions: Cathie Brumfield, cell 404 668 6693


Send your Newsletter submission to:

[email protected]

Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:

·Speaker bio

·New Member Name(s)

·Featured article(s) (regarding events, service projects, or on-going topics general club administrative items, etc..).

·Foundation initiatives or other topics of interest to Members and with value for our Club archives.

·Announcements (seeking volunteers, advertising service projects, etc.)

·For Your Calendar (Club and other activities we encourage members and/or their spouses to attend, including Family of Rotary events

·Member News (birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, Caring Hands)

Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:

·Title of your article

·Description of the activity

·Dates, Time, Location, deadline, etc... (especially for upcoming events)

·Key Points of Contact Information and/or a link to reference website for details

·Names and/or headcount of Rotarians (and others) participating,

·The reaction of those benefiting and the numbers of those benefiting.


Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Thank you!
Tania López

[email protected]
