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The Bulletin

April 25, 2019

Home of District Governors:
Frank Bentley,
Ralph Thurmond,
and Barry Smith


April is Maternal and Child Health Month

Our Rotary Family

4/5 Benjy Dubovsky
4/18 Keith Sanders


Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Hilton Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Fred Ferrand
President-Elect Nancy Schroeder
Treasurer John Neill
Secretary Mike Stacy
Foundation Rick Doyle, III
Membership Adam Bowling

President Fred Ferrand's Welcome Message

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, I welcome you to visit our club and experience the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' hospitality and energy. We meet on Monday for lunch at 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Hilton Perimeter Suites, 6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328. You can reserve a spot by going to our website at www.sandyspringsrotary.org. Join your fellow professionals, and community and business leaders, and learn how Rotary can fit in your future. Experience Rotary Making A Difference!

Previous Program
"Comcast, a 56 year old startup" quote by Andy Macke

On April 15th, Andy Macke, a VP at Comcast, spoke like a true Rotarian. Andy is the vice president of external affairs for Comcast's Big South Region.

Macke began his presentation with this quote: "Comcast is a 56 year old startup." What he meant is that the way we access information today is changing rapidly. There is a voracious appetite for as much information and entertainment as possible. Comcast is working feed the beast with a variety of choices, while planning for the future by providing even wider pipelines. While many can afford a wide broadband connection to the internet, there are still too many people that are being left behind.

Andy spread out before us a comprehensive look at the goals and direction Comcast is using as a road map to the future. With customer experience being a number one priority, he explained exactly what that meant. Comcast wants to put internet access, and everything that it brings with it, into every household. He intends to help Comcast bridge the "digital divide". With most of us wondering exactly what the "digital divide" is, he went on to explain.

The digital divide is a metaphorical barrier that keeps too many people from having access to the information highway we call the internet. To combat the problem he noted three of the most common hurdles that Comcast must overcome:

1.) Lack of interest - He noted that many people are unaware of how beneficial and life changing it can be to have basic access to the internet.
2.) Lack of a computer - (or tablet or even a cell phone) - Comcast is working to provide students and low-income homes with a computer and internet access
3.) Cost of a subscription - Comcast has numerous programs designed to help bring access into every home at an affordable rate.

With these points in mind, Comcast has implemented a comprehensive program call "Internet Essentials" - This is an amazing program which is going to help thousands of people.

The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs would like to thank Andy for coming out and addressing the club. We would also like to say thank you for all the hard work that he and his team at Comcast have done to make our community happier, healthier, and more informed.

From left to right: Gene Jordan, Andy Macke, Julia Bernath, Charan Shikh, Jim Squire

From left to right: Fred Ferrand-Club President, Andy Macke, Charan Shikh, Jim Squire - District 6900 Governor Elect

Mr. Macke can be tweeded at: https://twitter.com/MackeAndy
Past newsletter with bio: https://sandyspringsrotary.org/v2/newsletter/841
More information about Andy Macke can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andy-macke-67076a3/

Upcoming Program
No Regular Lunch meeting on April 29th.

Upcoming Program
Teacher of the Year Awards

Special Event
Kentucky Derby Gala

Next month, May 04, 2019 the Rotary Club of Lake Spivey / Clayton County is hosting a special event. The flyer below gives you all the details.
Use this link for even more information: https://rotarykentuckyderbygala.com/

OR call: Gina or Tracee at (770) 478-7424
OR email: [email protected]

A Look Ahead
Here's an easy and quick glimpse of our Rotary meetings to come

Is your name mentioned below?​
Greeters and Invocation Leader for May 6 2019

Rotary Club of Sandy Springs Greeters & Invocation leader for next meeting. (05/06/2019)
Invocators, as per the "Make it fun and they will come." theme, have a joke ready!

Greeter A:
Stephen Flanagan
Greeter B:
Ben Cohen
Invocation Leader:
Julia Bernath
