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The Bulletin

May 23, 2019

Home of
District Governor Elect:
Jim Squire
Past District Governors
Frank Bentley,
Ralph Thurmond,
and Barry Smith


May is Youth Service Month

Our Rotary Family

5/7 Jane Barwick
5/8 Chad Hagan
5/12 Eugene Jordan
5/16 Frank Bentley, Jr.
5/22 Candace Apple


5/4 Chris Burnett (28)
5/14 Ralph Thurmond (40)

Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Hilton Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Fred Ferrand
President-Elect Nancy Schroeder
Treasurer John Neill
Secretary Mike Stacy
Foundation Rick Doyle, III
Membership Adam Bowling

President Fred Ferrand's Welcome Message

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, I welcome you to visit our club and experience the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' hospitality and energy. We meet on Monday for lunch at 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Hilton Perimeter Suites, 6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328. You can reserve a spot by going to our website at www.sandyspringsrotary.org. Join your fellow professionals, and community and business leaders, and learn how Rotary can fit in your future. Experience Rotary Making A Difference!

Upcoming Program
Cookie Aftergut - Breast Cancer "Thriver"

On Monday, 12:15, June 3rd Cookie Aftergut will be visiting our club.

Cookie considers herself a breast cancer "thriver." She underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment for breast cancer in 2002. Since she wanted to pass along the information she'd collected while going through her experience with breast cancer, in 2006 she started a non-profit foundation, Chemoflage.

Chemoflage is a support program designed especially for women who are undergoing chemotherapy. It is a stand-alone program - participants attend only once; it is free of charge and lunch is served. The class is offered at Nordstrom Perimeter on the second Tuesday each month.

At Chemoflage, participants receive suggestions from healthcare professionals and community volunteers on how to combat the effects of chemotherapy. Topics include nutritional guidlines, relaxation/visualization techniques, fashion/make-up suggestions, combating "chemobrain" and much more.

Cookie has received recognition three times for her program, once as a 2006 Yoplait Champion, in 2008, as a "Woman of Spirit" from the American Red Cross, and in 2015 the Atlanta Dream women's basketball team awarded her their "Inspiring Women" honor.

To all the men of Rotary, you are encouraged to bring your spouse as Cookie has a special message of courage, determination and inspiration.

Please join the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs and give Cooki Aftergut a warm welcome.

For more information please visit her website at: www.chemoflage.com

Other News
Rotary Youth Exchange Program Transforms Lives

As a member of the Paarl Rotary Club in South Africa, Benjy ( and Marilyn) hosted 2 Rotary Youth Exchange students from Brussels, Belgium.

The first was Francois - Michel Rigo, in 1991. He has since become a Rotarian, in the same Rotary Club as Jean - Paul Snyers.

The latter’s daughter ( Anne- Sophie Snyers) was hosted by Benjy and Marilyn, in 1994.

Benjy and Marilyn visited Belgium late last month and met up with them both, at the same time reuniting with Jean - Paul ( whom they had met when he and his wife visited South African whilst Anne- Sophie was living with Benjy and Marilyn).

Jean-Paul handed Benjy his Rotary Club’s banner...

...which Benjy presented to our Club a few weeks ago.

Jean - Paul proudly presented our Club’s banner to his Club.

Anne - Sophie is now married, with 3 boys.

Francois-Michel and his fiancée have a young boy, but the son is not shown in the photo below.

Benjy and Marilyn have over all these years stayed in close touch with both of them and rgard them as an extension of their family

Yet again, this proves how powerful the Rotary Youth Exchange Program is and how it can transform lives, for both the students and the hosts. Having one of the latter join Rotary is the “icing on the top“!

Previous Program
Adam Mosley from Uzima Waters Filters Presented a Brilliant, Affordable Water Filtration System

On May 6th, 2019 Adam Mosley addressed our club. Adam began his talk by recruiting our own Ed Ukaonu to help illustrate a story. The story was of a boy in Africa which must walk a mile to acquire clean water. The boy passes by two ponds on his way because both contain water which is unsafe. He carries two 5-gallon containers each weighing 45 pounds a mile back to his village. This is the life with which his village has become resigned.

Adam, considers access to clean water to be a basic human right and so does the company he represents, Uzima. Uzima, he explained is a word which means “full abundant rich life”. They make an inexpensive, easy to use, gravity powered, filtering system that can drastically improve the quality of life for those suffering from access to clean water.

Adam illustrated the system for us all during his presentation. At the beginning of his talk, he emptied a bucket of contaminated water into his filtration system. During his 15-minute presentation the gravity fed filter produced several gallons of clean, safe, potable water. His filtration system uses a hollow fiber filter. This particular type of filter is re-usable and requires little maintenance beyond simply washing the filter periodically. The filtration system he demonstrated for us cost approximately $30, which it an incredible investment and simply life changing to an entire village.

His goal is to bring clean water to everyone. “This can be done.”, he boldly announced. Adam asked us all to consider how we can help.

This young man, Ed Ukaonu was kind enough to walk two miles to supply our water today. (5+ gallons a piece and 45 pounds each) THANKS ED!

More information about Uzima can be found here: http://uzimafilters.org/
More information about Adam Mosley can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/awmosley/

Special Event
Wine Tasting with a WSET Master of Wine!

We will be holding a wine tasting at the Kongthum’s residence on Monday, June 17th at 6:30pm.

The cost will be $30 per person- limited to 30 people- on a first come, first serve basis. Light hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please RSVP to Nate @ [email protected] or text him at 404.655.7685 with number of guests.

Other News
No Regular Lunch meeting on May 27th.

A Look Ahead
Here's an easy and quick glimpse of our Rotary meetings to come

Is your name mentioned below?​
Greeters and Invocation Leader for June 3 2019

Rotary Club of Sandy Springs Greeters & Invocation leader for next meeting. (06/03/2019)
Invocators, as per the "Make it fun and they will come." theme, have a joke ready!

Greeter A:
Candace Apple
Greeter B:
Tamara Carrera
Invocation Leader:
Nancy Schroeder
