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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.org
President | Rick Woods |
President-Elect | Cathie Brumfield |
Treasurer | Ron Barden |
Secretary | Ardy Bastien |
Membership | Bob Freeman |
Foundation | Bill Mulkey |
Bulletin Editor | Tania Lopez |
This Friday we will hear from David Buchanan, current president of the Rotaract Club of Atlanta, which was chartered by Rotary International in 2012 with the Rotary Club of Dunwoody as its sponsor.
From the club's Facebook page profile of David, we learn he is a pathological optimist who is incredibly interested in technology and its impact on people. He graduated from the University of South Florida with a Bachelors in Computer Science. He moved to Atlanta in 2017 to be with family and to work at Georgia Tech.
Why did David join Rotaract? He first joined the Rotaract Club of USF in his freshman year of college. He wanted to be a part of a well known global organization that attracted individuals interested in making the community they live in better. In addition to this, it was a fantastic way to network with Rotarians and the Local Tampa Rotaract chapter.
"My favorite part of Rotary is networking with all the professionals in my area. It is commonly known that you should surround yourself with people who are successful and optimistic; Rotaract is a great place to find those people! Anyone who follows The Four-Way Test is a person worth getting to know!"
The Rotaract Club of Atlanta has been one of our key partners in many of our projects, including the Governor's Ball, the GRSP Leadership Conference (where they are responsible for the Shark Tank competition) and in years past, RunDunwoody. Several club members - including David - just came back from the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg, Germany.
Join us to hear more from David about what the club has in store for the future!
Don't wait any longer to RSVP for the Dunwoody Rotary social event at 6:00 pm on Thursday June 27 in the Pavilion at the Dunwoody Nature Center. Help us to celebrate the 2018-19 Rotary year and welcome in Cathie Brumfield as our 2019-20 President! You can:
We hope that you and your guest will join us. We will have appetizers and each attendee will receive a coupon good for one drink. To ensure that we are resourced properly, I ask that you please acknowledge your attendance (and a guest if you wish) by registering for the event. Use the link https://dunwoodyrotary.org/v2/event/4025 and click on the REGISTER button.
This will be the final meeting of the Rotary year and should be
a fun way to carry on the momentum gained throughout the year. I sincerely hope you can attend.
Did you know that Ardy and Lydie Bastien have been married since 1896 - we probably should congratulate him on 111 years of marriage. What?
Actually, it appears our personal records are a bit out of synch with reality. Please check your birthday and anniversary on dunwoodyrotary.org (you need to be logged into the website to do this) and make needed changes. Once you log in, you can click your name at the top of the blue bar to get to your information, then click Update just below the blue bar on the right, make changes, and scroll to the bottom and click the Save button.
Let me know if you need any assistance!
Over time, our weekly speakers have offered us inspiration, new perspectives and a wealth of information. We'd like that tradition to continue. That's why our speaker committee is off and running for the 2019/20 Rotary year – with some great speakers already lined up for July and August. Mark your calendar and invite your friends to hear:
Kathy Brandt and the committee welcome your ideas and help finding speakers. If you can think of someone with an interesting story to tell, please let Kathy know at [email protected].
In keeping with our 20+ year tradition, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody will have a hot dog booth at Dunwoody's annual Fourth of July Celebration. And, as in most recent years, with your help we plan to sell baked goods - cookies, brownies, any finger food dessert that can be packaged in a sandwich size or snack size Ziploc bag and sold for $1.00.
Les Woulfin is baking; so is our GRSP student Mathilde Illum. You can bring your creations to our hot dog stand in Dunwoody Village on the morning of July 4 (we'd like to have them no later than 9:00 a.m. so we can have them onn display andready for sale when the parade comes into the Village. Or, we'll determine a drop off place before the 4th and let you know!
Any money we make on hot dogs and baked goods will be added to the money we have to fund our good work in the community!
Not a baker? There are plenty of opportunities to help … from assembling the float to walking in the parade to working in the hot dog stand - all take place the morning of July 4 and leave the entire afternoon free to enjoy the holiday..
The 8th annual Dunwoody Restaurant Week runs through June 15. This year there are 29 restaurants offering lunch and dinner menus at a variety of price points – there is truly something for every palate and occasion! Dunwoody Rotarian Charlie Augello’s E 48 th Street Market is among the participating restaurants.
What a perfect opportunity to invite colleagues to try a new restaurant or visit a long-time favorite.What a perfect opportunity to meet local restauranteurs, thanking them for choosing to do business in Dunwoody. What a perfect opportunity for Dunwoody Rotarians to make their presence known in our community.
This year, some arts and culture organizations are offering discounts with a restaurant week receipt. To view these offers and all of the participating restaurants and their special restaurant week menus, check out the Dunwoody Restaurant Week website: www.dunwoodyrestaurantweek.com
Happy dining!