
Showing 1,101-1,150 of 1,293 items.
IDRotary YearTitleClubAbstractCategoriesKeywordsExtension 
237GRSP Trustee Contact ListBremenContact List for GRSP TrusteesGRSP; trustee
23620162016 District Conference Sponsorship Form (2016)1 page Word document on District Conference sponsorship opportunitiesdocx
2352016Form for Evidence Room Displays (2016)4-page PDF with instructions for reserving a display in the Evidence Room and Proving Your Case with Evidencepdf
23420162016 District Conference Hospitality Suite Diagrams (2016)4-page PDF showing diagrams of the different types of hospitality suites available at the Marriottmarriott,hilton head,district conferencepdf
23320162016 District Conference Diagrams (2016)3-page PDF showing diagrams of Marriott hotel and conference center and a map of Hilton Headdistrict conference,marriott,hilton headpdf
2322016February 2016 Newsletter (2016)12-page PDF fileNewsletterspdf
2312016October 2015 Newsletter (2016)PDFNewsletterspdf
23020172016-17 List of Clubs Eligible for Additional District Grant funds (2017)Based on per capita giving in 2013-14, these clubs are eligible for additional district grants funds in 2016-17.Presidents-Elect, Foundation Chairs, Assistant GovernorsFoundation, district grants, grants, top sevenpdf
22920172016-17 District Grants Announcement (2017)Basic information on the 2016-17 District Grants including amount, new application process, eligibility requirements and availability of two competitive grants.Presidents-Elect, Foundation Chairs, Assistant Governors2016-17 District Grants, district grants, grants, foundation, competitive grants, pdf
22820172016-17 Club District Grant MOU (2017)This Memorandum of Understanding covers the requirements for a club to receive a district grant. This MOU must be signed by the 2016-17 club president and president elect and turned in at PETS on March 5, 2016.Presidents, Presidents-Elect, Secretaries, Treasurers, Foundation Chairs, Assistant GovernorsFoundation, 2016-17, District Grants, MOU, PETSpdf
2272016January 2016 Newsletter (2016)10-page PDFNewsletterspdf
2262013 & 2014 Combined Financial Statements24-page PDF scan of the District's audited financials for rotary years 2013 and 2014Presidents, Treasurersaudit, financialpdf
225Women’s Groups Associated with Rotary Clubsa short article about the history of women’s involvement with RotaryRotary Ann
2242016Sailing In Seoul (2016)Two-page PDF promoting the river cruise at the 2016 Seoul Convention sponsored by Zones 34, 33, 27 and 21 and our RI Director Robert Hall.pdf
223Bob Hagan Message About 2016 District Conference2-minute video message from District Governor Bob Hagan about the upcoming District Conference
2212016GRSP Newsletter 09-15 (2016)BremenGRSP Newsletter 09-15NewslettersGRSP; newsletterpdf
2202016GRSP Newsletter 10-15 (2016)BremenGRSP NewsletterNewslettersGRSP; newsletterpdf
2192016GRSP Newsletter 11-15 (2016)BremenGRSP NewsletterNewslettersGRSPpdf
2182016December 2015 Newsletter (2016)13 page PDFNewsletterspdf
2172016November 2015 Newsletter (2016)12 page PDF newsletterNewsletterspdf
2152015October 2015 District Newsletter (2015)13-page PDF fileNewsletterspdf
214Siegel & Gale Research Findings 2012Final report from Siegel & Gale research January 2012Siegel, Gale, Strategic, plan, planning, surveypdf
213Friendship Exchange Program2-page PDF explaining the program and including an application formService Chairspdf
2112016September 2015 Newsletter (2016)11-page PDF newsletterNewsletterspdf
2102016Zone 34 Public Image Citation for Rotary Clubs (2016)2-page PDF Zone Public Image CitationPublic Image Chairspdf
2082016August newsletter (2016)13-page PDFNewsletterspdf
206Global Grant Scholar Information Package5-page PDF with information for Global Scholar applicantsFoundation Chairspdf
205Global Scholars - Info for Applicants2-page PDF brochure with info for Scholar applicants
204Rotary Scholar - Rotarians Take Action2-page brochure with info for Rotarians and Rotary ClubsFoundation Chairspdf
203Global Grants Scholar Application8-page Word scholarship applicationFoundation Chairsdoc
202Areas of Focus Goal Chart1-page PDF chart summarizing areas of focusFoundation Chairspdf
201Polio Disease14-page PDF from the CDC about the poliomyelitis (Polio) diseasepoliopdf
200Polio FactsheetShort factsheet about Polio from Rotary Internationalpolio
199GlobalOutlook: A Rotarian’s Guide to Advocacy for Polio Eradication9-page PDF article from Rotarian Magazinepoliopdf
198Historic Moments: PolioPlus Turns 30Link to RI article and video on PolioPluspolio
197Nigeria's One Year MilestoneYouTube video on Nigeria’s progress in eliminating polio.Videospolio
19620162016 District 6900 Directory (2016)131-page PDF version of the District Directory for 2015-2016pdf
19520162015 Foundation Seminar Agenda (2016)1-page PDF agenda for the 2015 Foundation Seminarpdf
1942016July 2015 Newsletter (2016)PDF - July news from the District and our clubsNewsletterspdf
193Fall Prevention Brochure16-page PDF with advice for seniors on presenting fallsService Chairspdf
192How to load your club directory into Microsoft OutlookStep-by-step instructions for exporting contacts from the web site and importing them into Microsoft Outlook
1902016Serving Seniors Materials (2016)Zip archive containing materials for Serving Seniors projects, including a Health and Medical Records organizer, a PowerPoint about the organizer, a cover letter, materials for Senior Bingo, a list of Serving Senior ideas and instructions for the project chair.Presidents, Service Chairsseniorzip
1892015May-June 2015 Newsletter (2015)District Newsletter - May June 2015Newsletterspdf
188May-June 2015 NewsletterDunwoodyDistrict Newsletter - May June 2015Newsletterspdf
1872015April 2015 Newsletter (2015)April News from District 6900pdf
18620162015-2016 Laws of Life school invite and registration (2016)4-page PDF school registration form, including invitation cover letter to educatorsService Chairspdf
18520162016 Georgia Rotary Clubs Laws of Life Information (2016)5-page PDF describing the essay contestService Chairspdf
18420102010 Rotary Battle: Carrollton Dawnbreakers Rotary Club featuring President Mark Foster (6900) (2010)In March 2010 The Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy will celebrate its 10th anniversary of introducing children to the wonderful world of books and helping prepare them for school. The Ferst Foundation (FFCL) began in 1999 in Morgan County, Georgia, modeling its program on the Imagination Library initiative begun by musician and philanthropist Dolly Parton in Tennessee. Endorsed by Rotary International the program sends age-appropriate books directly to the home of each registered child until the age of five. The FFCL strives to improve early learning opportunities for every Georgia child regardless of income, race, religion, or gender with the philosophy that any child who cannot read is at-risk. After 10 years, with more than 1.7 million books having been sent to over 90,000 Georgia pre-school children in 72 Counties, the Ferst Foundation is eager to celebrate the program success with our Rotary partners through our 1st annual GEORGIA ROTARY PRESIDENT BATTLE. FFCL is recruiting Rotary Presidents from across Georgia to participate in this friendly competition highlighting one of the easiest ways to improve a childs school preparedness -- reading to him or her daily.Videos
1832015Steve Sterling (2015)Videos
1822016Hilton Head Promo (2016)Videos