
Showing 951-1,000 of 1,293 items.
IDRotary YearTitleClubAbstractCategoriesKeywordsExtension 
403International Friendship Exchange 2017 info and application2 page PDFpdf
402Membership ApplicationMidtown AtlantaMembership Application Membership Chairsmembership
401Griffitarian 27October2016GriffinBrittany Stikes, Executive Director of the Griffin Spalding Historical Society, presented our program on the Society and its continuing works to restore, preserve, and promote our local history.Newsletterspdf
400Griffitarian 13October2016GriffinStephanie Davis presented a program on the Miracle League which originated in Conyers in 1999. League facilities are now in over 300 communities in 4 countries with an average of 20 being opened each year. Newsletterspdf
399Griffitarian 13October2016GriffinStefanie Jehlitschka of the German American Chamber of Commerce and Mark Whitlock of the Coweta County Central Educational Center explained the adoption of the German-style apprenticeship program in Coweta County.Newsletterspdf
398Griffitarian 06October2016GriffinGriffin Rotarians kicked off the fall season with a Club Outing at Cherokee Rose on Thursday afternoon. Tim Hearn, Jeff Jacobs, Brandon Stooksbury, and Jason Robinson earned winning team honors in the clay shoot. John Dillon and Stooksbury were high scorers. A buffet dinner and Board Meeting followed the afternoon of fun.Newsletterspdf
3972023Expense Reimbursement/Check Request Form (2023)DunwoodyCheck request / reimbursement formpdf
3962017October 2016 District Newsletter (2017)12 page PDFNewsletterspdf
395Club By Laws AmendmentsDunwoodyAmendments to the Club By Lawsdocx
394Club By LawsDunwoodyBy Laws to the Club Constitutionpdf
3912017 District Conference Cruise Flyer2-page PDF flyer with 2017 Conference Cruise Detailscruise,conferencepdf
390Griffitarian 29September2016GriffinJim Smith, Superintendent of the Griffin-Spalding School System, provided Rotarians with an update of the state of the local school system. Our Annual Fall Outing is scheduled for Thursday, October 6th, at Cherokee Rose.Newsletterspdf
388Griffitarian 22September2016GriffinTrudy Gill, a member of the Advanced Leadership Certification Program with The John Maxwell Team spoke on leadership styles taught and developed through the Maxwell Team.Newsletterspdf
387Griiffitarian 15September2016GriffinGriffin Rotary held our Fall Club Assembly to catch up on Club business which included installing a new member, enjoying a historical perspective on the Four-Way Test, planning for upcoming events and projects, and enjoying some Sunshine for guest Steve Wallace.Newsletterspdf
38620162016/15/09 Tucker Pilot (2016)TuckerOur GRSP Student Daniela Ochoa from Medellin, Columbia made her first presentation to the Rotary Club of Tucker. Tucker Rotary Business Cards GRSP Daniela Ochoapdf
385Griffitarian 8September2016GriffinRepresentatives from the four higher education institutions in the Griffin area updated Rotarians on recent enrollment, new programs, and construction and renovations. Katy Arrowood represented Griffin Region Career and College Academy, Randy Peters represented Southern Crescent Technical College, Max Burns represented Gordon State College, and Kirk Kealey represented UGA Griffin. Newsletterspdf
38420172017 Interact Award (2017)1-page PDF form for submission for 2017 Interact Awardpdf
38320172017 Rotaract Award (2017)1-page PDF for submission for 2017 Rotaract Awardpdf
38220162016/08/09 (2016)TuckerMichael and Alice Greene talk about creating Matthews Café 3 generations ago and growing up with Tucker.New Members Matthew's Cafeteria Polio Pluspdf
381September 2016 NewsleterBarnesvilleSeptember 2016 NewsleterNewslettersSeptember 2016 Newsleterpdf
380Griffitarian 1September2016GriffinStacey Weiss from Bert's Big Adventure explained the efforts of the nonprofit in connecting those families with chronically or terminally ill children. Anna Bozeman-Thompson provided a testimonial of the impact of Bert's Big Adventure on families using her family's experience with their terminally-ill son Lake.Newsletterspdf
3792017September 2016 District Newsletter (2017)14-page PDF fileNewsletterspdf
37820162016/01/09 Tucker Pilot (2016)TuckerField trip to FODAC for a work ProjectFODAC Field Trip Work Project Medical Supply sortingpdf
376Griffitarian 25August2016GriffinDistrict Governor Raymond Ray, Jr., visited the Rotary Club of Griffin this week. A social was held in his honor on Wednesday evening with Griffin Rotary and Daybreak Rotary hosting. DG Raymond participated in our Board meeting on Thursday morning and spoke at our weekly meeting during the noon hour.Newsletterspdf
375Griffitarian 25August2016GriffinDistrict Governor Raymond Ray, Jr., visited the Rotary Club of Griffin this week. A social was held in his honor on Wednesday evening. He participated in our Board meeting on Thursday morning. And he spoke at our weekly meeting on Thursday.pdf
374W9Tax Form - DunwoodyDunwoodyWhen an external entity requests our W9, please use this document.pdf
373Membership Proposal Form - DunwoodyDunwoodyWhen proposing new members, please use this form.doc
372Grant ApplicationDunwoodyWhen requesting a club grant please use this formpdf
371Club ConstitutionDunwoodyThis is the Club Constitution pdf
37020162016/25/08 (2016)TuckerTucker City Commissioner Michelle Penkava spoke about the new City of TuckerTucker City Commissionner New Members Crutches for Africapdf
3692016Jan 2016 - Newsletter (2016)BarnesvilleJan 2016 - NewsletterNewsletterspdf
3682016June 2016 - Newsletter (2016)BarnesvilleJune 2016 - NewsletterNewslettersJune 2016 newsletterpdf
3672016May 2016 - Newsletter (2016)BarnesvilleMay 2016 NewsletterNewslettersmay 2016 newsletterpdf
3662016March 2016 - Newsletter (2016)BarnesvilleMarch 2016 - NewsletterNewslettersMarch 2016 Newsletterpdf
3652016April 2016 - Newsletter (2016)BarnesvilleApril 2016 NewsletterNewslettersApril 2016 newslettepdf
3642016-17 RCNA Public Relations / Information PlanNorth AtlantaRCNA Public Relations / Public Information Officer Plan for FY 2016-17.DeKalb Councildoc
363Griffitarian 18August2016GriffinGriffin Rotarians and guests welcomed the head football coaches from Griffin High School and Spalding High School as they talked about their upcoming seasons which will kick off on August 26th. Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp also dropped in to provide an update on technological advances his office is using for voter registration.Newsletterspdf
3622016Griffitarian - 11AUG2016 (2016)GriffinDekle Shares Musical Talents - Mike Dekle was once a classical musician who played the violin from middle school through college including the Georgia All- State Orchestra and the University of Georgia Orchestra. But, once he picked up a guitar given to him as a gift, he immediately loved the new instrument and challenge. He soon was performing and writing music. “I consider myself a great observer of what people do, and I write music about that,” he said. The Athens insurance businessman and Rotarian then performed a number of his songs adding some background information and thoughts on the events that inspired each song. He started with his Road Kill Café saying that
he wished he had royalties for all the roadside restaurants and diners that had and were using his title. He explained he wrote his No Trash in My Trailer after having to inspect a trailer for his insurance company.
36120162016/18/08 (2016)TuckerThe Rotary Club of Tucker enjoys a classification speech from Lauren Allen and we induct two new members Marc Lisenby and Brad Bryant.Classification Speech Brad Bryant Lauren Allen Marc Lisenbypdf
36020172016-08-11 Membership Webinar (2017)1 hour YouTube video of membership webinar held in District 6900Membership Chairs, Videosmembership,video,webinar
359Griffitarian - 04AUG2016GriffinHuckaby Entertains and Inspires - Darrell Huckaby of Athens presented an entertaining and inspirational program at Thursday’s meeting. Huckaby is a lay-minister, humorist, author, and retired educator who uses his many personal experiences to share with his audiences and readers. He is a native of Porterdale where he grew up in a 4-room mill village house with no bathroom. He shared that he did not have inside facilities until he was in the 5th grade. And, now, he is quite proud to own and live in a home with 5 indoor bathrooms (6, if you count the back porch). Huckaby first met Griffin’s Bill Haisten in the 1960s when Bill acquired his telephone number and called him regularly. So, Darrell shared a number of stories of his times with Bill. Newsletterspdf
35820162016-11-08 (2016)TuckerJim Wilson talks to Tucker Rotary about how Cofer Brothers and the City of Tucker have grown up together.Jim Wilson Cofer Brothers History of Tucker CART Membership Drivepdf
3572016GRSP Newsletter May 2016 (2016)BremenWe are now at the pointy end of the year, all done with school and on to travel; some of us are even home. It has been really great getting to know each and every one of you and you should seriously expect em to just appear anytime because I've gone on an adventure! You are welcome to do the same to me!NewslettersGRSP, newsletter, District 6900 Conference, District 6920 Conference, Oglethorpe University, Sweden, Hungarypdf
3562016GRSP Newsletter April 2016 (2016)BremenWelcome to the April issue of the GRSP newsletter. If you have anything you would like to contribute in the future, please let me know. It's not long now before we are all on adventures travelling, or heading back home.
It is incredible how fast this time has gone, and it is surreal to think that there will soon be a time where we won't catch up on a student weekend. However, I'm sure we will be able to arrange our own around the world!
NewslettersGRSP, Newsletter, Camden County Student Weekend, 6910 District Conference, Berry College, Georgia Southern, Germanypdf
3552016GRSP Newsletter March 2016 (2016)BremenWelcome to the March issue of the GRSP newsletter. If you have anything you would like to contribute in the future please let me know.
We have all bee on some sort of adventure on Spring Break and are looking forward to the next student weekend.
I was in Houston visiting a friend where we went to NASA, the Houston Rodeo and we also went to Austin. The rodeo was a really great experience and I had an amazing time.
NewslettersGRSP, newsletter, San Francisco, College of Coastal Georgia, Valdosta State, Sri Lanka, Pakistanpdf
3542016GRSP Newsletter February 2016 (2016)BremenWelcome to the February issue of the GRSP newsletter. If you have anything you would like to contribute in the future please let me know.
Now we are all back into the swing of things with classes and planning future travels and adventures for spring break.
GRSP, Newsletter, 2016, Dalton State College, Georgia State, University of Georgia, Iceland, Englandpdf
3532017August 2016 Newsletter (2017)13-page PDFNewsletterspdf
3522016-17 District Grants - PowerPoint Instructions for Completing Final Report in DACDBPowerPoint slides which include partial screen prints for instructions in completing the final report in DACDB.Presidents, Treasurers, Foundation Chairs, Assistant Governors, Service Chairs2016-17, District Grants, Final Report, instructionspdf
3512016-17 District Grants - One Page Instructions for Completing Final Report in DACDBOne page simple list of steps to complete the final reportPresidents, Foundation Chairs, Assistant Governors, Service ChairsDistrict Grants, DACDB, 2016-17, Final Reportpdf
35020162016/04/08 (2016)TuckerSpeaker was the new DA for DeKalb County Sherry Boston.District Attorney Sherry Bostonpdf