Pres. Christopher Bethel, Mark Wright (Newest Rotarian for the next 100 years) and his wife Kelly Wright, Glenn Owens and DG Jim Squire.
Pres. Christopher Bethel, Mark Wright (Newest Rotarian for the next 100 years) and his wife Kelly Wright, Glenn Owens and DG Jim Squire.
BeBe Meaders, with her daughters, Connie Kone and Susan Young. Her husband Dr. Henry “Speedy” Meaders was Club President (1964-65) and was very active in Rotary his whole life.
On Saturday, October 19, 2019 the Rotary Club of Marietta celebrated its 100th Anniversary by hosting a Diamond Jubilee Gala at the Marietta Country Club, where the club held its original charter meeting. Despite the rain and it being the University of Georgia homecoming, over 125 people attended the celebration.
Current President Christopher Bethel called the celebration to order and welcomed distinguished and honored guests to this once in a lifetime historic event. It was great to see a lot of familiar faces and faces not seen in a while. “I am humbled and honored to serve as the 100th President of the Rotary Club of Marietta. It’s hard to believe that 100 years ago, 20 individuals – top in their vocations – came together at the Marietta Country Club to start a new service organization in a small town of 6,000 residents. Did the original charter members ever believe the legacy and impact that they started over the past 100 years? Founder John W. Hancock had to convince Rotary International that Marietta was large enough to support such a Club. Marietta was the smallest community in which a club had been chartered. The decision to start this Club was a world altering idea. I don’t think the original charter members knew at the time, but we in hindsight, sure do! I get goose bumps just thinking about it. This Rotary Club, I believe, is one of the most special Rotary Clubs in the World – and that’s due to the rich history that you will hear about throughout the evening.”
Rotary was 14 years old in 1919, and Marietta was 85. The Atlanta Rotary Club, which had been organized six years earlier, was our Sponsor. RC of Marietta is charter number 544 in the World and the 10th Rotary Club founded in Georgia. The club was organized and chartered on October 23, 1919, has thrived over the past 100 years and currently has 94 Members with 13 Honorary Members.
To help kick off the evening, Past President Dawn McEachern (2014-2015), spoke and connected the dots, lines and direct lineage. Dawn is a direct descendant of original charter member John W. Hancock, who was also the very first President of the Club (on her mother’s side – Dot Dunaway). On her father’s side, Dawn’s grandfather William B. Dunaway Sr., was a President of this Club (1949-50) and the District Governor (1968-1969). In addition, Dawn’s father, former Mayor William B. Dunaway, Jr., is the longest Honorary Member of the Club with over 55 years of membership. Accordingly, we consider Dawn and her family to be “Royalty” of the Club.
Past President and Senior Judge Adele Grubbs (when President in 2008-09, the Club won more awards than in any other year, a total of 14) spoke about Quick History Quips over the years. Of particular note, women were not allowed to be members of Rotary until 1987. When she first joined the Rotary Club of Marietta, women did not wear the same pin as men, rather, women were given a small broach with two pins to hold it in rather than one. Retired Judge Irma G. Glover also attended the gala; she was the very first female President. On March 1, 1988, Irma and deceased Superior Court Judge Dorothy Robinson were the first women inducted into the Club. Other funny stories over the years included stories about Past President Henry Hill (1977-78) and a golf course adventure chasing a silver fox that turned out to be a squirrel and Past President Mitch Rhoden (2012-13) who inadvertently donated a journal from his girlfriend during a book drive. Adele promptly returned it to Mitch and in her perfect British Accent said “I don’t think you meant to give this one to the children."
Past President, Assistant District Governor and District Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Mark M. Barbour recognized Guest Rotarians and read an invocation that Dr. Henry Hill had written and read on October 22, 1965 (the Club's 46th anniversary) at the kick off for the upcoming 50-year anniversary planning committee . In this prayer Dr. Hill actually quotes RI President C.P.H. Tenestra of the Netherlands asking for providential guidance for prosperity over our Clubs.
Others in attendance included District 6900 Governor Jim Squire, Hicks Malonson, son of Phil Malonson and founder of the Marietta Rotary Foundation Fund, Inc. – the vehicle which allows our club to fund its charitable activities. There was reminiscing of Phil and his singalongs at District Conference in Jekyll Island that brought back fond memories. Dr. Ed Holladay’s name was also remembered on behalf of Dr. Clem Doxey as being one of the Club's best Presidents (1985-86). Susan Upchurch was recognized for her 42 years of membership and for serving the longest as the Club’s Secretary.
The History Committee, consisting of Morgan Robertson (a direct descendant of original charter member Morgan L. McNeel), Guy “Buck” Northcutt (a direct descendant of original charter member Ralph W. Northcutt) and Harold Hobbs gave four presentations at the four weekly meetings leading up to the big anniversary. Morgan L. McNeel (cousin of Morgan Robertson) is the fourth current member of the Club with direct lineage to an original charter member.
The History Committee noted over the year, that RCoM has had three of its members served as District Governors, six have been Mayor of the City of Marietta, one (1) has served as President of the University of Georgia. Current Honorary Member G. Conley Ingram has served as a Justice on the Georgia Supreme Court and many others have been at the top of their businesses or professions.
The Rotary Club of Marietta has founded Interact Clubs (High School) and Rotaract Clubs (Colleges and Universities) and helped to charter and sponsor 12 Rotary Clubs in four counties, including the most recent Charter of the Atlanta-Brasil Club last year. The entire Atlanta-Brasil Club was in attendance for the Gala and brought with it their lively spirit for fun and adventure.
Awards and Proclamations were presented on behalf of Mayor Tumlin and Governor Brian Kemp through State Representative Bert Reeves, who is also a member of RCoM. District 6900 Governor Jim Squire presented a Commendation on behalf of Rotary International President Michael Maloney. Other awards and notable mentions include a presentation by Rotary Club of South Cobb's two-time Past President Wayne Blackstone of an award of special thanks for founding and sponsoring their club back in 1938 (81 years ago). The Rotary of North Cobb President Dave Schwickerath also presented a commendation award of special thanks for Marietta's sponsorship of their club on June 16, 1987.
DG Jim Squire assisted President Christopher Bethel in recognizing current members with more than 30 years of membership: 21 with more than 30 years of membership service; nine with more than 40 years; four with more than 50 years of service (William Smith, 50 years, Dr. John Knox 52 years, George Dozier, 52 years, and Past Mayor William B. Dunaway, 55 years). Only in a Club with as rich a history as the Rotary Club of Marietta do you see such multigenerational ties and years of service.
Mark Wright had the special occasion to be inducted by DG Jim Squire and President Christopher Bethel as the first member of the RCoM for the next 100 years.
President Elect Mary Ansley Southerland recognized the club's community partners in attendance and shared details about the Rotary Club of Marietta's 100th Anniversary Literacy Gift to the Community. The club was awarded $10,000 in a District Grant (only 1 of 4 out of 30+ applications) to provide literacy packets, on the importance of literacy to infants, to the parents of each child born at WellStar Kennestone Hospital (est. 5,500) over the next year. This is a joint project with the Rotary Clubs of Smyrna and Atlanta-Brasil. he kickoff event for this project is Gin and Phonics on Monday November 4, 2019 from 5-7pm at Kouzina Christos restaurant.
Guy “Buck” Northcutt (46 years in the Club) led all those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance and theFour Way Test.
A.D.G. Mark Barbour read a Toast offered by Past President Dr. James A. Fleming on the 75th Anniversary.
The evening concluded with cake that was ceremoniously cut by member Dale Covington (son of Edward D. Covington), who is one of the many multi-generational members of the Club.