Club News
Why Not Combine a Service Project and a Rotary Meeting?

This year, October 3-9, marked the 20th anniversary of Public Safety Appreciation Week in Cobb County. Vice-President Mary Ansley Southerland realized that the Rotary Club of Marietta could publicly thank Marietta’s fire and police officers at the Club’s weekly meeting on October 9. President Chris Bethel and the Board promptly approved Mary Ansley’s plan and set to work coordinating the details. Dave Poe’s BBQ would deliver 160 meals to the esplanade level of the Marietta Fire Museum on Haynes Street. Rotary members and three shifts of public safety officers were advised about the lunch—off-site for Rotarians—extending from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

An abbreviated Rotary meeting began at 12:15 including welcomes, announcements and a guest appearance of popular Strand Theatre performer and event director, Catherine Moulton. After the Pledge of Allegiance, everyone stood as Catherine led in singing the National anthem. Catherine next sang “America the Beautiful” with such feeling that almost everyone was noticeably moved. Along with 40 Rotarians, shift after shift of firemen and police enjoyed this special time of dining and fellowshipping together. Altogether, Marietta Rotary served barbecued pork and chicken with all the trimmings to over 100 Marietta police and firemen.

Posted by Dale Covington
November 6, 2019


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