Club News
Rotary Club of Cuthbert Enjoys a Very Busy Fall!

New Cuthbert Interact Club - drawing from three local high schools

New Cuthbert Interact Club - drawing from three local high schools

Rotary Reads - District grant and local Rotarians reading

Rotary Reads - District grant and local Rotarians reading

The Rotary Club of Cuthbert has been very busy this fall. A big part of that is membership growth - with 21 new members as of this Quarter. Thanks to our Rotaract Liaison, new club member James McCoy for helping to make this happen.

The club has also sponsored a new Interact Club representing three area high schools - inducting 24 new members Hats off to our Interact Liaison, Rebecca White for her amazing dedication to this large group and teaching them Service Above Self

We have been supporting community events and using those opportunities to make ourselves better known in the community. We held a Hurricane Michael HERO luncheon - to say Thank You to all of those who helped support our community during Hurricane Michael. We served lunch to over 75 linemen, road crew members, firemen, policemen, county commissioners, county deputies, and state patrol officers. It was a great event for our community. We appreciate and love our community service men and women!

Our comunity events also included participation by Rotaract and Rotary Club members in the Andrews College Homecoming Parade, and participation in the Cuthbert Crossroads Festival - including musical entertainment by Club President Wynita Cannon.

And we have been busy with the business of the Rotary Foundation:

  1. Several Cuthbert Rotarians and their families enjoyed the festivities at SunTrust Park for World Polio Day. We enjoyed seeing other Rotarians and cheering on the Braves. It was a hot day, but worth supporting a great cause!
  2. We raised money for End Polio now by selling Kupcake Koupons from Kuntry Kafe for our Kupcakes for a Kause Kampaign. It was a great success and we put on a little weight for a great Kause!!!
  3. Our Rotary Service Grant this year is a culmination of several initiatives of Rotary this year, including the District Governor Literacy Campaign. We had the pleasure to read to the first grade students at Randolph County Elementary School in October and November. We each have a great time reading and distributing the books to the children. We will ready again twice in the first quarter of 2020.
  4. We held our annual Rotary Rifle Raffle - thanks to a lot of support from the community (234 entries), we were very blessed to raise money to benefit the Rotary Foundation.

Posted by Wynita Cannon
December 5, 2019


Posted by Donna Gray
Rotary Club of Dougherty County (Albany)
December 9, 2019 11:40am

Great job Cuthbert Rotary...…...go get em!!! Donna Gray Assistant governor

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