Serving During the Pandemic
Lake Spivey/Clayton County Delivers Needed Healthcare Supplies

During the last several weeks, Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Lake Spivey/Clayton County have reacted to the Coronavirus as people of action, responding to the current needs at several hospitals, rehabilitation, and nursing facilities in the community by providing critical supplies of sanitizer, gloves, and masks. One of the recipients has been Piedmont Henry Hospital.

The first photo shows Hospital Community Engagement Specialist Pam Milling, Hospital Rehab Director Brenda Chupp, and Hospital Director of Community Relations Donna Braddy near a wagon filled with supplies. The second includes Rotarians Manohar Nallathambi, Tom Mertl, and Paddy Sharma, Hospital Director of Community Relations Donna Braddy, and Rotarians Claudia Mertl and Lata Chinnan are holding baskets and a banner near the Hospital door.

Posted by Ron Swofford
May 28, 2020


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