Club News
Dunwoody Continues 20+ Year Tradition of Magic

For more than 20 years, Dunwoody Rotarians have gathered early in December to do magic - converting elementary school books into magical holiday presents for each student at Dresden Elementary School. Rotarian Roy Ethridge and his wife Franci took the lead on these efforts for many of those years - inviting us to their home and garage the first Saturday in December to enjoy coffee and breakfast goodies and add book labels and English/Spanish vocabulary cards to about 1,000 books. It was the start to our holiday season ... followed by delivering the books to Dresden and receiving hundreds of thank you cards from the children. 

A few years ago, Anita Augello, wife of Rotarian Charlie Augello, pushed for us to add Kingsley Elementary to our book project - and we did! 

Some years, we prepared the books at a Friday morning Rotary meeting. This year, we returned to a Saturday morning event - at President Carter Stout's office space - where 30 people joined together and readied 1,000 books for distribution this holiday season - including our two newest members (inducted the day before) and one prospective member and her son.

Our district grant funded this year's project, and we can't wait to see the faces of the students when we deliver the books.  

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
December 4, 2021


Posted by Gillian Leggett
Rotary Club of Stone Mountain
December 5, 2021 3:55pm

Such a wonderful project. Not only do you provide books etc to well-deserving students, you also make the preparation a Family of Rotary event. Well done to all Dunwoody Rotarians, family, friends, and prospective members!

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