Thank You!
D6900 Rotarians Make a Difference in Ukraine

I cannot express my gratitude enough for the tremendous support you and the district have provided in the efforts to assist with the crisis in Ukraine.

So far, combining all the efforts from cash fundraising, purchased equipment, and donated medical equipment and supplies, we have delivered or are in the process of delivering about $1 million in value of aid.

The $29,000 that we sent to District 2241 (Romania, Moldova) was used for purchasing basic supplies and for facilitating transportation of equipment and supplies into Ukraine. So far, Rotary D2241 has organized transportation of 300+ trucks filled with donated and purchased food, water, hygiene supplies, medical supplies, and medical equipment - with an estimated value of about $16 million.

Through the leadership, guidance and resources of AG Chris Brand, D600 has also used $100,000 of donated funds to purchase specifically requested surgical equipment for use in orthopedics and negative pressure wound treatment systems. Chris has also arranged shipment of 250,000 MREs to Ukraine. Rotary club members have volunteered many hours at FODAC to micro sort donated items in preparation for shipment to Ukraine. 

Editor's Note: If you still have funds to send in to District 6900 Charitable Fund, please get those in by June 15.

Posted by Radu Zernoveanu
May 26, 2022


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