Share Your Imagination with D6900 Through Our Newsletter
We want to share your ideas and accomplishments with all the clubs in the district - to help us all imagine more about what we can do to serve our communities and the world (and even partner in those efforts), build our membership, inspire our youth and support the Rotary Foundation. It's simple to share that information through the District Newsletter:
- Send your story in a Word document or in the body of an email to Jackie Cuthbert, District Newsletter Editor - at [email protected]. No special formatting required; we'll take care of that! Be sure to lead with what you most want people to know - and provide as much detail as you'd like@
- Send pictures to go with your story and bring it to life - they don't need to go into body of the story and should be 1MB or less in size.
- Know the deadlines - it's safe to figure your story and pictures should arrive in Jackie's email by the 25th of the month for the next month's newsletter (note we're asking for October early - by September 18 - so Jackie can easily hit the send button from Italy).
IMAGINE all the ideas we can share and all the good we can do working together! Help us tell the story.
Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
July 9, 2022