As we take time this November to think about all we have to be thankful for, I can't leave The Rotary Foundation out of my list. In my 15 years as District Newsletter Editor, I've had the privilege to see many stories come through my email - from global grants supporting everything from family health clinics in Africa to schools and water, to global scholars dedicated to making a difference when it comes to health or world peace, to projects in our own neighborhoods providing educational opportunities, turkeys for Thanksgiving baskets, and so much more! This is Rotary Foundation month - and our D6900 Foundation team has been hard at work evaluating global grant and global scholar opportunities already this month.
The work the Foundation is able to do depends on our generosity - and District 6900 Rotarians have proved over and over again how generous we can be - so much so that we have a huge global reputation for our commitment to giving.
There are many options for making a donation - both in terms of dollar amounts and methods for contributing. One of the easiest ways to provide consistent support for the work the Foundation makes possible is becoming a Paul Harris Society member - with a $1,000 annual commitment at least until you become a Major Donor at the $10,000 level. To donate, you can write a check and send it to The Rotary Foundation or make contributions online at Rotary Direct using your credit card - for a one-time gift or as an ongoing periodic contribution. You can donate stock or put The Rotary Foundation in your will. Our district Foundation team can answer any questions you may have about giving levels and contribution methods.
The World needs our help but we can’t do it without your financial support. So at this time of Thanksgiving, take a look at what you can be thankful for and what you can share with others. Please look at your financial situation and give what you can. You will be saving or improving a life and making the world a better place.
Thank you for all that you do and will do. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families!