Club News
Happy Birthday Atlanta Southern Crescent

The Rotary Club of Atlanta Southern Crescent celebrated our one-year birthday in March and April, with the induction of three new members in March, an Easter egg hunt for children, a St. Patrick's Day Social, and a birthday social in April to kick off our birthday month. Our official birthday is April 29, so to celebrate we inducted two new members!

It has been an exciting year for us. The 11 charter Rotarians found 18 people who were Rotarians at heart but had not officially joined any Rotary Club. We recruited three who were former Rotarians and we even found a future Rotarian!!! We meet on Zoom on the first and second Fridays at noon, the third Friday is a service project and the fourth Thursday night is our monthly social. We have started doing some hybrid meetings as well. We have a great group of people who are ready to make the world a better place, through Rotary.

Posted by Claudia Mertl
May 9, 2023


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