What's Your Membership Strategy?

As we enter 2023-24, with a continued focus on growing our membership, we'd like to make the newsletter a place where we can learn from each other about successful strategies for recruiting, engaging and retaining new members.

While the idea we're sharing this month comes from the Rotary Club of North Atlanta, the pictures you see here are from a bus stop poster inviting people to learn about Rotary, and a service project involving whole families in Thomasville.

Jonathan Yaeger at North Atlanta shares that his club has invited prospective new members to join them at the Atlanta Community Food Bank sorting food. Afterwards, everyone would go out to eat and drink. The service event came before anything else, and the fellowship and club interaction followed. 

"Anecdotally, the younger generations are most interested in the service event itself; not so much in traditional club administration and membership," Jonathan says. "Fellowship and bonhomie seem to be the hooks in combination with the service offering."

Jonathan suggests that clubs consider posting their service events on volunteer websites such as https://www.volunteermatch.org or similar sites, and to advertise service functions on sites like Nextdoor; local Chambers of Commerce, College BBS, etc).

What's your idea for attracting new members? And, what do you do to get them involved once they're members so they'll stay for awhile? We'd like to hear more ALL year long - please share. 

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
July 5, 2023


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