As your District Membership Chair, I’m never ashamed to borrow someone else’s work if it gets our point across. Art MacQueen (our Zone 34 RC) borrowed an idea from 2015 ARC George Robertson-Burnett concerning recruiting new members. This has worked in other clubs within our Zone so let’s make it work here!!
August is Membership Month within Rotary. However for District 6900 let’s make it “Bring a Friend Month.”
All Clubs within District 6900 are encouraged to organize a special meeting or social event with appropriate activities to inspire and introduce the friends to your Club’s fellowship. Let’s show our friends what your club does and what your club stands for. To make “Bring a Friend Month” a success, RC Art offers the following suggestions:
For really exciting ideas and events, the District may be able to help with financial support!!!
Is your club celebrating Membership Month by engaging prospective members in innovative ways? Send your success story to [email protected]! We'll share that success with the rest of the Rotary District 6900 and the World of Rotary!