From the District Governor
Vote For Your Favorite Service Projects

Ballotting for the Service Oscars is now open. Click here or go to the District website and click the green Vote For Project Favorites button on the home page near the Rotary logo. There are 24 nominations, three for each of the four club categories, split into two flights. Voting is simple:

  1. Login
  2. Go to the ballot page. There is quite a bit of content, so it may take a minute or two for the entire page to load completely.
  3. You will see two tabs, Flight One and Flight One. Start with the Flight One tab.
  4. Scroll down the page, reviewing each of the three projects for each of the four club categories. Click the Details button for more info on the project. Click the Favorite button for the one you like best in each category.
  5. When you have voted for your four favorite Flight One projects, click the Flight Two tab and vote for your four favorites in Flight Two.
  6. If your home club has a nominated project in a particular flight and category, you will not be able to vote in that flight/category.
  7. If you have any problems, let me know

I know you will enjoy reading about some of the remarkable things our clubs are doing in their communities.

Posted by Alec Smythe
April 7, 2018


This Year’s Posts: