From Facebook
Atlanta West End Uses Facebook for Public Service

The Rotary Club of Atlanta West End has used its Facebook page to post useful information for the community and its members. Recently, it posted a tribute and this photo of Representative Lewis with Assistant Governor Ceasar Gaiters.

The club also posted this in July: “On November 3, 1957, 80 Atlanta ministers published a manifesto on the front page of the Atlanta Journal Constitution addressing racial tension and integration. "Hatred and scorn for those of another race, or for those who hold a position different from our own, can never be justified. It is only as we approach our problems in a spirit of mutual respect of charity, and of good will that we can hope to understand one another, and to find the way to a cooperative solution of our problems." One of the authors was Reverend Bevel Jones, who six months later, on May 8, 1958, would become a charter member of the newly formed Rotary Club of Atlanta West End. “

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
August 4, 2020


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