Rotary Leadership Institute
Our Own PDG Margie Kersey Named to New RLI Board

Under the direction of Michael McGovern, Rotary International Chair and Past Rotary International Vice President, Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) International will seat its inaugural board of directors this month. The RLI Board includes two Rotarians from the RLI Sunshine Division (covering Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean) including our own PDG Margie Kersey (pictured with husband Ron) and PDG Timothy Schuler of District 6950.

These two will join 18 other Rotarians from around the world on the new board. The inaugural board has been charged with developing by-laws, reviewing procedures and creating policies for the organization. The goal is to create a consistent product that serves the needs of the Rotarians and member Districts.

Margie is a member of the Stone Mountain Rotary Club and is an estate planner. She began working with Sunshine Division in 2008 when it expanded to include the three Georgia Districts. She is the current Chair of Sunshine Division, founder of RLI Sunshine Online and a current Discussion Leader. She has served as the Sunshine Curriculum Chair for several years. Margie served as our District Governor in 2011-12, and has served as our District Chair for The Rotary Foundation..

Thomas Schuler is a real estate attorney in Seminole, Florida. He was instrumental in the founding of RLI Sunshine Division in 2005. Schuler, along with other like-minded leaders, organized the eight Florida districts and then applied to become a Division. Tim continues to serve RLI Sunshine as a Discussion Leader and General Counsel. He has served in multiple positions, including twice as the Chair of Sunshine Division – the only member to do so.

Posted by Stephanie Windham
February 5, 2021


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