The Rotary Foundation
​Important Changes to Global Grant Funding from The Rotary Foundation Effective July 1, 2020

Beginning this Rotary Year, your Rotary Foundation will no longer match Club Cash or cash donations from other sources when they are applied to finance Global Grant requests.

In prior years, TRF matched cash contributions for a Global Grant project from money in the World Fund at a 50% rate ($1.00 cash donation +$.50 World Fund Contribution = $1.50 for the project). And The Rotary Foundation matched DDF (District Designated Funds) from Rotary Districts around the world at a rate of 100% ($1.00 DDF + $1.00 World Fund Contribution = $2.00 for the project).

This year, beginning with applications submitted after July 1, 2020, The Foundation will continue to match all DDF funds supporting a Global Grant at 100% but not match any cash used in the funding.

For District 6900 clubs planning to request Global Grant programs this year, the new Foundation formula will have very little impact due to the unique way we use Club funds plus District DDF. District 6900 uses our DDF Funds to equally match your Club’s Cash when it is pledged to a Global Grant Project you selected ($1.00 Club Cash + $1.00 District DDF = $2.00 for the Global Grant). When the Global Grant Application is actually approved by the Rotary Foundation, District 6900 pays the entire project cost as we pledged to the Grant (Club Cash + DDF Match) with DDF funds. In turn, The Rotary Foundation matches DDF funds at the 100% rate. This means that every $1.00 your Club pledged to the Global Grant has increased 4 times ($2.00 from the District + $2.00 from World Fund = $4.00 for the project).

Since the project costs are paid with DDF, District 6900 asks all Global Grant supporting Clubs to contribute their pledged funds to TRF’s Annual Fund SHARE. By doing this, you are supporting future GG projects three years in the future when one-half of these 2020-2021 contributions return to our District as DDF in 2023-2024. So for example, for a project this Rotary year:

  • You have $10,000 from the club pledged to support a Global Grant. When the Global Grant Application is approved, you donate that money to TRF’s Annual Fund SHARE.
  • With its available DDF dollars, the District matches your Club’s $10,000 and pays $20,000 (your $10,000 + $10,000 from District DDF) for the Grant.
  • TRF adds $20,000 to match D6900 DDF.
  • Because your $10,000 was contributed to TRF’s Annual Fund SHARE this Rotary year, half of that ($5,000) comes back to the District as DDF in 2023-2024.

District 6900 is only able to maintain our funding formula through amazingly generous donations to The Rotary Foundation from Clubs and Individual Rotarians just like us across the District over many, many years. Isn’t it great to be a Rotarian in District 6900? Please keep voting with your generous hearts.

Posted by Anne Glenn
August 28, 2020


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