GRSP Update
Keeping Up with GRSP's Impact; Planning for 2020-21

by Ian Bond, District GRSP Chair

Even though we are unable to host a Georgia Rotary Student Program class of 2020-2021, the GRSP Trustees and Clubs throughout the District continue to be engaged with many of the over 3,600 GRSP alumni around the world as well as planning for the class of 2021-2022.

From Trustee Guy Gebhardt (RC of East Cobb)

On September 16, Kennesaw State University President Pamela Whitten spoke to the East Cobb Club at the club's remote meeting via Zoom. The club introduced to President Whitten KSU GRSP students Lucila Sigantini from Brazil (GRSP class of 2017-2018), Ivonne Meares from Zimbabwe (2018-2019), and Cristina Garcia from Colombia (2019-2020). Lucila and Cristina returned to Brazil and Colombia, respectively. Ivonne is now a senior at Kennesaw State. Like all the Trustees Guy continues to keep in touch with his clubs’ 2020-2021 students, who have been affected by the pandemic. He is working with Paisley Ward in Perth, Australia who hopes to come the Georgia in 2021-2022. Guy has already paired up this future barrister or solicitor with an attorney in the East Cobb Club who is a mediator. Paisley is interested in mediation. Let’s keep our fingers crossed we can have a 2021-2022 GRSP Class.

From the Rotary Club of Columbus

The program at one of the club’s recent virtual meetings was presented by three of the Club’s GRSP alumni. Rachel Eadie from Scotland (2006-2007), Lida Kalustova from Russia (2014-2015), and Siri Nordlander from Sweden (2017-2018). What an amazing live streamed Rotary meeting that spanned three continents, four countries, and seven time zones! Each alumni shared what has happened in their studies and career since leaving Georgia and how the GRSP and Rotary experience had impacted them and their career. This was followed by real time Q&A with the Club members. All three are engaged in exciting careers that are a direct result of specific classes they took at Columbus State University. They are all engaged in service-above-self projects and organizations, including Rotary and Rotaract Clubs, District projects and committees and Rotary Youth Exchange. Through the scholarships GRSP provides Georgia Rotarians advance cultural understanding and social experiences through friendship, develops potential global leaders, and expands the ideals of Rotary around the world.

The photo: Zoom screen from RC of Columbus’s recent GRSP alumni meeting. Top row: Ian Bond, GRSP District Cahir and Rachel Eadie (Scotland). Bottom row: Lida Kalustova (Russia) and Siri Nordlander (Sweden).

Posted by Ian Bond
October 8, 2020


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