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Making a Difference in Our Communities ... From Arts and Health to Education, Fundraising and Teddy Bears

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Quitman, this year’s Skillet Festival Student Art Exhibit highlights art provided by students in Ms. Tammy Hamm's classroom and Ms. Ella Mobley's classroom from Brooks County Middle School and Brooks County High School. Ms. Lindsi Jones, a local photographer, has been providing therapeutic art lessons to the students. The focus of art intervention therapy is to refine motor skills, improve social skills, explore emotions, and raise self-esteem, among other positive outcomes. For this year’s Skillet Festival Student Art Exhibit, the BCHS students’ worked on their motor skills by creating string paintings. The BCMS students explored abstract expressionism by creating collaborative painting using their hands, fly swatters, and balloons.

The Rotary Club of Atlanta Brasil recently supported an important community event aimed at women's health! The event included: lectures with doctors and health professionals on cancer detection, prevention and risk reduction; reconstructive plastic surgery; child cancer awareness and prevention.

Every year the Paulding County Rotary Club delivers fresh apples to all elementary schools in Paulding County. This 2020 was no exception as the Paulding Rotarians met and loaded up apples to deliver all over the county. Our club members love the opportunity to continue this tradition. A simple gift and an act of recognition can mean a lot to those who serve as educators. From the Paulding County Rotary Club to all the teachers in Paulding County we express our heartfelt thank you for all your service.

The Johns Creek North Fulton Rotary Club volunteered at the Johns Creek Chamber of Commerce annual golf tournament. Club President Kathryn Albright and Past President Ronald Jones are pictured with Alex Almanza and Trey Tomkins.

The Rotary Club of Fayette Daybreak. donated small teddy bears to both the Police Department and the Fire and EMS Department serving Tyrone. The officers, firefighters, and medical teams will hand out the bears when needed, to help provide comfort to children in stressful or frightening situations. Our club has committed to replenishing the supply when they are needed throughout the year. Club also has virtual walk/run

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
November 8, 2020


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