On Monday, November 23, President Ardy sent an email to all club members about a proposed change in our dues structure. If we receive the required approval by the membership, the change would add a Pandemic Dues Base Rate for all non-rule of 85 members - retroactively to October 1, 2020 and running forward until June 30, 2021, the end of this Rotary year. The Board has approved the change; now we need your vote by December 4.
Here's how the new category would work:
We are proposing this change because we believe it addresses the need to be flexible during the pandemic with respect to your voiced concerns about attending meetings in person or unmasking while at the meeting in order to eat. We believe this solution to be fair to all concerned.
Please let us know if you approve this addition of a new rate by returning a YES vote to Rick Otness at [email protected] and Jennifer Bowler at [email protected] by December 4. Once the votes are tabulated, we will announce the results and next steps.
If you have any questions, please contact President Ardy.