From Our District Governor
Celebrating Rotary's Commitment to a Healthier World

I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving. It was great to gather with family and friends giving thanks. I had mixed emotions throughout the day as it was different than years past. While I could have focused on what and who was missing, I chose to focus on the opportunity that we had and who was there. As this year comes to an end, I have confidence that next Thanksgiving will look more like years past. In part that is because of Rotarians like you who are dedicated to fighting and preventing disease.

Disease Prevention and Treatment is one of Rotary’s Areas of Focus, as well as Rotary’s focus for the month of December. Rotary has a long history with fighting disease and remains committed to the eradication of Polio. Rotarians like you are committed to helping educate and create opportunities for people to live healthy. Prolonged illness, pain and addiction create misery worldwide, affecting everyone’s quality of life, not just the person with the illness. As it relates to COVID-19, Rotarians have been on the front lines and will remain there supporting all the needs in their communities. As I have visited with many of you throughout the District this year, I continue to be amazed by all that you are doing.

I am happy to announce the formation of a new Rotary Club in District 6900. Restoration Rotary is a cause-based virtual club whose primary focus is addiction and mental health as well as fighting the sources that contribute to these epidemics facing humanity. Many of the issues that both contribute to and create substance abuse disorders and mental health issues are also the thieves of peace from our communities and society at large. Crime, theft, violence, and domestic abuse all play their part in creating community environments that are vulnerable to addiction and disruption. Please check out the video at https://restorationrotary.com/ to hear more about this new club.

I am excited to share this news with you and grateful for the opportunities that Rotary has given me. I wish you, your family and all those you care about blessings this holiday season.

Pictured: DG Kirk with members of Peachtree City Rotary Club. Kirk with District leaders, enjoying dinner in early December after a day of planning.

Posted by Kirk Driskell
December 2, 2020


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