Club News
Roswell Golf and Tennis Tournament Raises $140,000

The 42nd Aubrey Greenway Golf and 8th Hagan Cup Tennis Classic Tournament was held this September at Country Club of Roswell; 130 golfers and 100 tennis players participated. The day also included an auction and the annual golf ball drop. Roswell Rotary raised $140,000 to support local charities and international projects.

In 1978, Roswell Rotarians Frank Brown, Judge Maurice Hilliard and Aubrey Greenway, former mayor of Roswell saw the need for a community fundraiser and began a golf tournament which netted $3,500 for North Fulton charities the first year. In 2013, the Hagan Cup Classic was added named after Past District Governor Bob Hagan in honor of his service to the community. The tournament has grown into one of the largest all volunteer community fundraisers. Roswell Rotary would like to thank the volunteers and multiple sponsors who gave from their hearts to make a difference. 

Posted by Trummie Patrick
December 3, 2020


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