Our Foundation at Work
Paulding County Grant Funds Fishing and Mentoring Opportunities

Rotary Club of Paulding County has had some amazing project successes of late making use of Rotary Foundation Grants. Check this one out:

Paulding County Rotarians are seen here making delivery of new jon boats that will engage more than 100 boys from our community, providing them and their adult male mentors with fishing and bonding opportunities in a safe environment on a 25-acre lake. The mentors invest their time and talents with fatherless boys and boys from single parent homes. The influence of a positive male role model helps equip, encourage and guide the boys to find a healthy and useful purpose. With our district grant we purchased 5 jon boats, 15 life jackets, and 10 paddles for our local non-profit partner, Truth in Nature. Seven Paulding County Rotarians currently serve as mentors in this enrichment program offering encouragement and helping build character, Goodwill and Better Friendships.

Posted by Roy Strickland
January 10, 2021


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