GRSP Update
New Direct College Selection Program

by Ian Bond, District GRSP Chair (RC of Columbus)

In the Georgia Rotary Student Program workshops our focus of discussion was sharing a whole new way of enabling Clubs to partner with their local college or university, select students and increase diversity in future GRSP classes - all in an affordable way. We call this the Direct College Selection program. Let me take a few moments to summarize and with contrast the new option with the Standard Selection program what Clubs are familiar with and remains as an option going forward).

Standard Selection

  • Students submit applications through GRSP website (June-October).
  • Applicants must be nominated by a Rotary Club in home country.
  • GRSP office sends "Selection Book" with summaries of all applicants to Clubs (November).
  • Clubs select their preferred applicant and alternates (November-December).
  • Clubs complete GRSP commitment form and agree to cover full cost of sponsoring a student LESS $6,000 co-sponsorship from GRSP Foundation (December).
  • Trustees meet in Savannah to finalize Standard Selection students (January).
  • GRSP office offers Standard Selection students a scholarship for tuition, fees, room and board plus book allowance (February).
  • Students accept the Scholarship Agreement and GRSP aids student with college admissions process (March-April).
  • College accepts the student and issues immigration form for student to apply for Visa (April-June).
  • Students arrive in early August for Conclave and to begin classes.

Direct College Selection

  • Students apply directly to a Georgia college or university (September-March)
  • Club selects a Georgia college or university partner to identify an already accepted international student (September-March)
  • Club determines scholarship amount (min $5,000), which is matched up to the maximum allotment by GRSP Foundation ($6,000). This is a partial scholarship.
  • Club completes GRSP commitment from indicating amount of scholarship ($5,000-$6,000), which will be matched $ for $ by GRSP Foundation (December).
  • College or university accepts student and issues immigration forms (March-June)
  • College or university posts GRSP scholarship criteria and amount on website and emails students to apply for the institution’s GRSP scholarship (March-June)
  • Student applies through GRSP website and is selected by sponsoring Rotary Club (April-July).
  • Student accepts scholarship agreement.
  • Student arrives in early August for Conclave and to begin classes.

While the selection process and scholarship amounts vary, the GRSP program remains the same in other key ways – however the student is selected, there will be host clubs and families, and all the student weekends that are part of the GRSP experience.

If you have any questions about EITHER selection program, please contact your GRSP Trustee.

Posted by Ian Bond
April 2, 2021


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