From Facebook
Making a Difference in Our Schools

From Brookhaven Rotary: We have been a long-standing partner of Cross Keys High School, serving as mentors to students, implementing a Rotaract Club on the campus and and engaging in many other endeavors. The club is especially proud of the most recent initiative to facilitate the creation & launch of the school’s new SAFE Center. This center will provide wraparound support and meet the unique needs of the student body and their families. The current environment has exposed disparities, food insecurities and threats to the student’s wellbeing that need to be addressed. We are honored to assist the school with this initiative to address those needs. The Club not only made a significant monetary contribution for the SAFE Center, but provided numerous needed items, such as appliances, clothing, furnishings and food. The center will need ongoing support, so we welcome you to contribute as well.

From Fayette Daybreak: Traditionally, our club hosts an Appreciation Breakfast in February for local area Teachers of the Year, but because of COVID, we had to skip that event for 2021. However, we were able to deliver school supplies and thank the teachers and principals for their service to our children (a special shout out goes to Staples in Peachtree City, for their generous donations to this project). Congratulations to Bethany Lambert (Sandy Creek), Ashley Hare (Flat Rock MS), Kathy Myers and Jamie Hertha (Burch Elementary), and Tricia Sanders (Crabapple Elementary - not pictured) - thanks for all you do! We were also able to donate school supplies to The Joseph Sams School and Bloom in Fayetteville.

From the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs: The Club was an exhibitor at SSEF's virtual STEAM Showcase this March or students of North Springs Charter High School. Our topic: Eradicating a Virus.

From Henry County: Rotarians have joined forces with Kiwanians and Lions Club members to create the Big Blue Thank You Scholarship Fund. They expect to award $5,000 in scholarships in 2021 to dependents of men and women in law enforcement. Last year, the three clubs hosted the Big Blue Thank You Cookout where they raised money to help fund scholarships.

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
April 6, 2021


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