From Facebook
Raising Money to Serve Communities

When the Cairo Rotary Club was faced with not being able to hold its biggest fundraiser – the Father Daughter Dance – it turned to another idea. This May, the Club will host its first fishing tournament. Take a look at their promotional video to learn more. 

Marietta Metro's used a recent monthly  social event at the Marietta Wine Market to raise money for CART (Coins for Alzheimer's Research Trust). They were able to sample wines from a vineyard owner. Congratulations to Flay Muellenbach for winning the raffle!

North Cobb invites you to join them May 7-8 for the Annual Smoke on The Lake BBQ Festival

And anyone looking for golf can support:

  • the 9th annual South DeKalb Rotary tournament on June 4
  • the 17th annual Rotary Club of Dallas tournament on June 28. The event benefits CASA of Paulding County, an organization that advocates for the safety, permanence and well-being of children.

For more on either tournament, visit the website and scroll to the date of the event.

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
April 6, 2021


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