Club News
Moultrie Feeds Local Community

The Rotary Club of Moultrie participated in the USDA “Farmers to Families” program to provide meals to Moultrie citizens. Partnering with the United Way and Trinity Baptist Church, a food box distribution event was planned for April 10.

As the day arrived, so did the threat of severe thunderstorms in the area. Thankfully, the delivery truck was early and the volunteers plentiful. At the final count there were over 50 volunteers from Rotary, United Way, Trinity Baptist Church, Moultrie Fire Department, Moultrie Police Department, Publix, Southern Powder Coating, American Red Cross, and the UGA Archway Partnership all working together to move boxes and make it happen.

Every single one of the 1,100 food boxes (30 pounds each) were given away, loaded into 312 different vehicles. The pallets were emptied in just over three hours and the last box drove away right before the rain started – so the people and the timing were both perfect for a great event. The food boxes provided over 20,000 meals to the Moultrie community. There are plans to bring at least one more truck to Moultrie before the program closes out, and with the great community partnerships being established it is sure to be another success.

Posted by Jaclyn Donovan
May 10, 2021


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