Club News
Dunwoody Supports Shelter for Domestic Violence Victims

Members of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody recently served dinner to women and children who are residing in a Partners Against Domestic Violence home for those who have been abused in their domestic settings.The polite and appreciative residents enjoyed strawberries, grapes, apricots, cheeses, crackers, green salad, macaroni and cheese, mixed vegetables, potato salad, grilled chicken, apple pie, lemon pie, and blueberry pie - and had seconds if they wanted them. In addition, each mother was given a $20 Target gift card, and each child received a gift bag with an age-appropriate toy. The project was organized by new President Rick Woods and member Dr. Jessie Legros.

For the new Rotary year, the club will make a donation to PADV in honor of the speakers at its weekly meetings.

Posted by Dottie Toney
July 7, 2018


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