From the District Governor
The Key is Having Fun!

D6900 Dinner in Hamburg

D6900 Dinner in Hamburg

Charter Night for new Atlanta Metro Rotary Club

Charter Night for new Atlanta Metro Rotary Club

Kiss Cam on Family of Rotary Night at the Braves

Kiss Cam on Family of Rotary Night at the Braves

Me with our 2018-19 Sheffield Award Winners

Me with our 2018-19 Sheffield Award Winners

As you all know, my theme this year has been "Have Fun and They Will Come." As I come to the end of my year as your District Governor, I can certainly say that Annette and I have had fun with all of you. And, I couldn't be prouder of all we have accomplished together.

We are ending the year on a strong note! Many of us are at the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg, Germany this week - we have enjoyed some European travel in connection with the convention and had a wonderful dinner together on Sunday night. Congrats and thanks to District RYE Chair Mike Parks and DGN Kirk Driskell for representing D6900 well in their convention presentations on Rotary Youth Exchange and Rotary Community Corps.

Thanks too to the 170 of you who joined me at the sold-out Family of Rotary Atlanta Braves game in May. You can see us here in the Kiss Cam photo. We had a great night of baseball and Rotary Fellowship.

We welcomed a new Rotary Club into the district last month - the Rotary Club of Metro Atlanta. Charter night was well-attended and a lot of fun. Several of the new club's members are young professionals with Rotaract backgrounds - it was great to see the energy in this group and I wish them well!.

The Sheffield Gala in Americus honoring some of our best club presidents for the year was amazing as always. I must say that all the 2018-2019 presidents have done sooo well this year, (We have had Fun and They have Come…to Rotary !). Please pass the Race Strategy over to your 2019-2020 leadership team and keep the momentum you have built running strong into next year!

You'll see from Foundation Chair Margie Kersey's article that we are on track for one of our highest giving years ever. I applaud you and encourage those clubs who haven't sent their contributions in yet to do so before the end of June to keep us on track.

I can't thank you enough for the honor of serving as your District Governor. And remember to keeping Having Fun and they will continue to Connect with Rotary!!

Posted by Court Dowis, Jr.
June 5, 2019


This Year’s Posts: